1: ☆the beginning

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"Carla remember you'll be staying over at Levi's place tonight," Mikasa said. "I'll drop off your stuff there on my way to work so after school just head straight there okay,".

I looked at my mom and nodded my head. She then bent down and kisses my forehead. "Ill go now stay safe," she concluded. Then she walked out the door.

I ran to the window and watched as she walked away. I stayed like that until she was out of site.

A soft sigh escaped from my lips as I left the window in search of food. School didn't start for a while so I had at least an hour to kill.

Being 4.6 isn't the best when the cookies are up in the high cupboard but nothing is going to ever stop me from getting my cookies. I climbed up onto the counter and then opened the top press, taking out the cookie jar. As I peered inside the jar I groaned loudly. All the cookies were gone with only a note inside.

Eat a proper breakfast. The note read.

I placed the cookie jar carfully back into cupboarded.

"Time for plan B," i thought to myself.

I jumped down from the counter and landed easily with grace. Then I bit into my hand like a psycho.

"Sasha Braus," I mumbled.

A small flash a appeared before me as it took shape into one of my favorite aunts.

"Carla, my favorite niece! What do you need help with today?" Sasha exclaimed in excitment.

"C-cookies," I stuttered as my hand began to heal.

Sasha nodded her head happily.

"When it comes to food nothing can stop me!" She squealed.

I gave her a cheerful grin as we searched for the hidden cookies.

About 30 minutes later we found that my mom had hidden them in the coffee jar in hopes that I wouldn't look in there as I despise the smell of coffee. I gave sasha one of my cookies which she accepted thankfully.

"I've got to go now my little cookie," she said as she finishes her second cookie.

I then gave her a big hug while she gave me one back. Then she dissapeared.

I walked to my bedroom and then changed into my clothes for school. It took me around ten minutes before I was fully dressed and ready to go. And then I set off on my way to school.

About halfway there I met up with the twins; Tamara and Kyle Arlert. Tamara had her long golden hair plaited into one big plait and Kyle had his hair in its usual mess. When Kyle saw me he immediately ran to me. Kyle has simular characteristics to his dad uncle Armin while Tamara acted like her mom, keeping her face monotone, showing barely any emotions at all. Both had the brains of their father so they were much smarter than me who had a suicidal maniac for a father (as uncle horseface says) and a mother who is obsessed with keeping me out of harms way. It's a wonder she lets me go to school.

"Hey Carla!" Kyle yelled as he got near enough for me to hear. I turned to face him and gave him a nod. Tamara didn't take long to catch up to us.

"Dad's sick today so he won't be teaching us today," Tamara said.

I groaned loudly.

"That mean we have Uncle Jean teaching us today!" Kyle said excitedly.

I facepalmed at my friend's antics.

Not long later we reached the school and went to our classroom. I sat in my usual seat by the window. I could see the beach as the waves were splashing against rocks in the near distance.

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