21: ☆The whistling

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The sound of low whistling woke me up from my slumber. It felt like it was calling out to me begging for me to follow it.

I carefully removed Chris's arm from around me, then quietly but quickly attached myself to my gear.

Looking up to the sky I could still see the sun was beginning to rise. "Better make this quick," I whispered to my self.

I walked to the edge of the branch and jumped off following the sound.

The whistling began to get louder as I walked nearer to a tree. There was a hole that led to a hollow in the center of it. I looked around before going into the tree.

Suddenly, I felt myself falling into a subterranean liquid. My surroundings were in pitch darkness.  I felt a sudden pull away from my spine that sent a burst of pain throughout my body. I tried to scream but the liquids around me muffled my voice. I bent my arms back as far as I could trying to grab whatever it was that was pulling away from me. 

Just as quick as the pain had begun, it was just as fast as it subsided. Once it had separated from me, it looked as though there was a source of light coming from behind me. The light went around me and then stopped in front of me.

To me it looked like a glowing centipede. There was a sudden flash beside it and the figure of an all to familiar girl appeared.

"I guess this is goodbye Carla Jaeger,"

I looked at Ymir and she turned around, following the glowing centipede into the distance.

"WAIT!" I yelled somehow being able to speak. "What happens now? Is this all just going to be over, everything that I've been through, no, after everything we have been through, you're just gonna leave it at this!"

Ymir stopped but didn't turn around.

"This isn't over, There's just nothing left for you to do anymore. That's why I think it's better if we just split paths from here. Aren't you happy that you can finally be normal,"

I clenched my fist in frustration.

"Weren't you the one who told me that I'll know what to do when the time is right. It needs to end now. I can't do this without you,"

"Is it me you need or just these abilities that I posses,"

I was left speechless and Ymir continued to go into the distance until I was unable to see her or the glow of the centipede.



I began to flutter my eyes open as I felt someone shaking me awake.

"We need to leave now the titans are coming!" Ezra yelled in my face.

I rubbed my eyes and I looked at the tree from earlier, but the hole that was once there no longer existed.

"Screw this," He yelled as he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

He then flew up into the trees barely dodging a titans hand.

When we landed on a branch Ezra laid me down.

"W hat the fuck was that Carla, are you trying to get us killed!" He yelled angrily.

I sat up and ignoring his question completely.

"Do you still have your knife?" I asked

"Ya of course I do. But that's not important now..."

"Give it to me," I ordered.

Ezra looked at me weirdly but handed my the knife all the same.

"What the hell do you even need it anyways?"

I held the knife to my wrist and then slit it. Blood began dripping out as it showed no sign of healing.

"That's.... well shit," Ezra commented.

I tore a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around my arm. Then passed the knife back to Ezra and got up.

"We need to regroup with the others. Chris is beyond himself worried and your mom.... well you'll find out when you see her,"

Ezra reached into a bag and took out a flare gun, then shot a purple flare into the air.

A few moments later the rest of the squad joined us on the branch.

"You know I'm getting sick of having to go find you every time you try go venturing off on your own. Your gonna get one of us killed soon!" Annie yelled stomping over to me. Uncle Armin tried to hold her back but Annie pushed him aside. Annie then swung her fist at me.

I ducked and covered my head with my arms but the impact never happened. I looked up to see my mom holding onto Annie's wrist.

"I know that you're still upset about what happened with your kids but that doesn't give you the right to hit my child,"

Annie glared at her for a couple of seconds before looking at me once more. Then she dropped her fist.

"I'll never forgive you if anything worse happens to them," she hissed at me.

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