14: ☆Mission complete

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I knew exactly where we were going, Marley, they couldn't be anywhere else. We had stolen some horses along the way so that we wouldn't lose much gas. We eventually stopped infront of a house.

I looked around before I dismounted my horse, walked to the door and gave it a hard knock. It didnt take long for the door to be opened. A young woman looked at us in confusion. Her chocolate eyes looked me up and down, and they widened once she saw the ODM gear.

"You kids better come inside," she said as she opened the door wider to let us in.

We all then walked in quickly and she shut the door behind us. Another man then came out of a room carrying a baby and looked at all of us.

"Hey, whats with all the kids?" He asked his wife.

I pulled down my hood and saluted.

"My name is Carla Jæger and these are my teammates, we wish to be able to stay with you guys for a day or so,"

"So you're that kid whom is believed to be a titan shifter by the public?" The woman asked me.

I dropped my salut and nodded my head.

"Let's all just sit down in the kitchen, you kids look recked,".

Once in the kitchen she sat down and sighed.

"Falco go boil some water for tea," she instructed to her husband.

Falco then placed the baby on the womans lap and went away as we all sat down.

"So why is it that all you kids are here?" She asked us.

"We're on an important mission but there isn't anywhere safe for us to stay but here, I hope you don't mind us coming here ma'am," I said bowing my head.

She let out a little laugh. "Don't call me ma'am, you can just call me Gabi and this little one here is Josh," she said as the baby cooed.

Her face then went serious. "Why of all places are you guys here in Marley? Especially when you're wanted everywhere,".

I looked away from her and sighed while Tamara answered for us. "We need to get our family back and this is the only place we knew they would be,".

"So what exactly is you guys plan?" Gabi sighed while playing with Josh's small tuffs of blond hair.


"Alright Alisa, Haru, I need both of you in the building now," I whispered to the two of them.

They nodded their heads then joined the crowd going into the courtroom. I then looked to the twins and Ezra.

"Wait for my signal before you go to the jail cells," I said as they walked inside after Haru and Alisa.

Now it was only me and Chris left standing. "Let's head up now,"

We used our gear to get hold onto the side of the courthouse and looked through a window.

On the inside of the courthouse we could see Alisa and Haru sitting in the back pew of the court. Once everyone was seated the judge walked out and sat down followed by guards who were dragging Mikasa out onto the middle of the court room. They then aggressively chained her hands to a pole.

On seeing this I clenched my teeth in anger. "Those bastard!" I growled quietly.

"Remember Carla, stick to the plan," Chris whispered to me. Giving me a reasuring smile in the process.

I looked at him and sighed but calmed down. Then I looked back to the court.

"You are Mikasa Ackerman, Am I correct?" The judge asked.

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