22: ☆Arguments

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Chris sat down and wrapped his arm around me.

"Annie isn't really mad at you but I understand why she's so annoyed. You know, she's pissed that her kids were turned into titans,"

"So you're siding with her?!" I hissed at him.

"No. I just....," he began but I interrupted him. "Save it." I shoved Chris's arm off me and stood up then walked away.

A hand was then placed on my shoulder.

"Don't pit your frustration on the kid, he didn't do anything wrong to you," Mom said.

I sighed, releasing the tension in my shoulders.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a tight squeeze.

"Why dont we just go and train for a bit to help with your frustrations,"

I nodded my head and sighed.

~○◇Time skip◇○~

I sat at the edge of the branch legs hanging. It had been several days since Ymir left and I haven't been the same since. I traced the bandage I had wrapped around my wrist. Honestly it was the hardest thing trying to make up a believable excuse to mom and Uncle Levi that the bandages were only an accessory to help me with my titan shifting. They didn't seem to convinced but dropped the subject.

I watched as the titans below me look up at me with curiosity.

"Can't you guys just leave me alone!" I yelled at them.

The titans continued to look at me but they seemed to be confused.


"Are you trying to attract more titans or something cause with that yelling of yours I'm sure they'll be able to hear you from across the world,"

I looked at Alisa with a scowl on my face.

"It's not like there's anything better to do," I sulked.

Alisa smiled and sat down next to me.

"Maybe since you created them you might be able to get rid of them," She said.

"It won't work,"

She looked at me confused.

"But why don't you just try...,"

"I JUST CAN'T!" I yelled at her.

She seemed to be taken aback and then her eyes open in fear as she stood up and backed away.

"T-titan," she stuttered pointing behind me.

I turned my head and saw that there was a titan holding onto the trunk of the tree. It looked as though it was glaring at Alisa.

For some reason I didn't feel any fear. Probably because I used to be able to turn into one.

Everything in my body was telling me to approach the titan so I ignored Alisa's screams for me to run and walked towards the titan.

The titan turned its attention to me as I came closer to it. It no longer looked angry, more like it had expecting me to approach it.

I stopped right infront of the titan. I was so close that I could almost touch its hair. The titan then slowly lifted its hand towards me and poked me lightly in the forhead. There was a tiny flash of light that felt like an electric shock and then I felt someone pulling me away.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed again!" Chris screamed at me. "If Alisa hadn't got to me in time you would have been titan chow."

I struggled in his grip.

"Let me go asshole!"

"No I won't,"

"You don't understand. It doesn't matter anymore because I've lost my powers. I can't fix this,"

I continued to try wiggle out of his grip. He tried to keep a hold of me but suddently he lost his grip and I tumbled out of his arms.


Chris dived down as he tried to catch me. As we outstretched our hands to grab eachothers, at the last second I pulled back.

"Stop trying it's useless," I smiled.

Chris's eyes widdened as he noticed how close we were to the titans below us. Out of fear he quickly used his ODM gear to catch himelf leaving me to continue falling into the titan horde.

I closed my eyes preparing to die at any second but was surprised to see that I landed on something soft.

"What the hell?" I mumbled in confusion as I began to open my eyes.

I realised that i had landed in the hair of one of the titans but instead of attacking me the titan and the surrounding titans just ignored me.

I climbed down from the titans hair and stood on it's shoulder. Thats when I realised that the titan looked all too familiar.

"Hey, your the titan the poked me earlier,"

The titan grumbled in response. Then it proceded to pick me up and place me onto the ground. Someone suddently grabbed my hand and ran with me behind a tree.

"Who are you?" I asked pulling my hand away from him.

The boy looked at me with a big smile, his emerald eyes shining.

"Nice to finally meet you Carla. My name is Eren Jæger and I'm your father-"

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