10: ☆Who are you?

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We stood in a line saluting while Jean walked infront of us. By we I ment me, Haru, Ezra, Chris, Kyle and Tamara. Turns out Kyle is still really bad at using his ODM gear so Tamara's here to help him.

"Each of you will use your gear to reach the other end of this forest. If you fall or tip over you start again. Only once you get to the other side will you be allowed to eat your dinner and go to bed. If I catch any of you slacking off or not restarting when you screw up, you will have to do laps around a field until I say you can stop and you won't be getting any food. Do I make myself clear!" Uncle Jean yelled.

"Yes sir!" We yelled back in unison.

Ezra was the first to fly in while I trailed behind him.

"You're going to end up wasting all your gas if you keep this up!" I yelled to Ezra.

Erza ignored me and it wasn't long before he ran out of gas and smacked into a tree.

I used a small bit of gas quickly to catch up to Ezra as he fell and I brought him down to ground level.

"I don't need your help jackass," Ezra said shoving me.

I sighed.

"We will need to walk back so we can get you more gas," I said walking in the direction we came from.

"Hey wait up!" He yelled chasing after me.

I suddently stopped in my tracks and I put a hand over Ezra's mouth.

"Shh, someone else is here," I whispered to him.

He nodded his head as I took my hand away.

I could hear the faint noise of someone crying. I slowly followed the sound to behind a tree where I saw a girl crying.

Once Ezra saw her, he drew his blades and pointed one at her neck.

"Who are you?" He growled at her.

I glared at Ezra and pushed his sword down.

"Can't you see that this girl is crying, she poses no threat to us,"I said angrily.

Ezra groaned as he placed his blades back into their holder.

A crouched down in front of the girl and lifted her head up slightly, just enough for me to see her dark brown eyes staring back at me.

"Hey, whats your name? I asked softly.

She used her hands to wipe off the tears on her face.

"My name's Alisa,"she answered.

I gave her a soft smile.

"Nice to meet you Alisa, I'm Carla and that asshole is Ezra. He may seem to be mean but he's a softy at heart," I said.

"Who are you calling a softy jackass," Ezra yelled smacking my head.

I could feel my temper rising rapidly. I quickly faced Ezra and gave him a hard smack in the head.

"I'm so sick of you people always hitting me in the head, I'll end up with a concussion if you guys keep this up,"I growled.

I then heard the sound of giggling and I turned back to Alisa acting as if nothing happened.

"What clan are you from? I can tell that your not exactly eldian," I asked.

"I'm Mexican. But what about you? You look different from the other eldians I've seen," She asked.

I held my hand out to her.

"Well I'm partly oriental from my mom's side," I answered while helping the girl up.

"Wow thats so cool! I've never met someone who's from the Oriental clan," Alisa said excitedly.

Now that the girl was standing up I could see her properly. She had dark brown shinny hair that stopped at her shoulders, with a white flower clip holding some of her hair out of her face. I also noticed that she had dirty bandages wrapped around her neck and on various other places on her body.

"Whats with all the bandages?" Ezra asked rudely.

Alisa tensed up with Ezra's question. Once seeing her reaction I kicked Ezra in the shin. He collapsed to the ground holding his shin in agony.

"What was that about!" He cried out.

I took off my cloak and then threw it to Alisa.

"Wear this for now, you'll get too cold in those clothes of yours,".

She nodded her head and then wrapped the cloak around herself. I then grabbed her hand.

"You look hungry. I'll take you back to were I'm living at the moment with my family. You'll be able to get food and warmer clothes there," I smiled.

She smiled back at me as we began walking back, Ezra not to far behind us.

Once we got back to the camp Uncle Armin came running to us.

"What happened, are you okay kid?" He asked Alisa.

Alisa squeezed my hand tight.

"Well Uncle Armin this is Alisa. Me and Ezra found her in the forest while we were training, shes in need of new clothes and some food," I explained.

"Looks like she'll be needing much more than food and clothes," Armin said. Then he gave Alisa a welcoming smile.

"Why don't we go inside so I can check those wound of yours,".

Alisa looked hesitant to follow him and looked at me with her deep brown eyes looking for confirmation. I nodded my head and smiled. She then released my hand and followed after Armin

"Are you even sure we can trust her? She could be a spy or something," Ezra said.

"Why would someone be sent to spy on us, they're to terrified of things they don't understand," I replied.

"But still, there are people who want you dead,".

I turned to him and glared into his very soul.

"She's just a kid so drop it," I scowled.

Uncle Jean came over to use on horseback with a deep scowl on his face. We saluted as we saw him coming.

"You two get back to training and you'll be doing laps around the field as punishment for trying to escape training," he said.

Ezra was about to say something but I stood on his toe.

"Yes sir right away!" I said.

Uncle Jean scowled then rode back to the forest. I lifted my foot off of Ezra.

"What was that for!?" Ezra groaned.

I stepped on his foot again but harder this time.

"You got to learn that sometimes you need to shut up," I hissed while shifting the tip of my toes.

"Alright alright I will just get off of me!," he squealed in pain.

I sighed but stopped stepping on his foot. Ezra then bend down and held his foot in agony. I began to feel a bit guilty as I saw him there in pain.

"Look, I'll just steal us some food later and then we won't starve tonight," I sighed.

"Thanks," he muttered.


I just would like to say that I do not own the character Alisa. She is the OC of an amazing person @aguilarj27. Thank you so much for letting me use your OC♡

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