13: ☆Leaving home base

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"Come on Haru just a little more left,"

"Get that away from me it's disgusting!" Haru yelled hiding behind me.

"But it's helping you get better,"Alisa said in a sing song voice chasing after Haru.

The two off them ran circles around me making me dizzy.

"Big sis help me!" Haru screeched.

I quickly grabbed Haru and held him steady. He struggled in my grip but was unable to get free.

"You traitor, your supposed to be helping me," he cried.

"I am helping you, taking your medicine will help you to get better quicker,"

"But I'm already better," Haru whined.

Alisa came approaching us with a devilish grin on her face.

"We've got you now," she laughed.

Alisa poured some medicine on a spoon and held it infront of Haru's face. But Haru held his mouth shut and turned his head away.

"Oh come on Haru, it's just one last spoon and then you won't need anymore, just do it for me will ya," Alisa faked cried.

Haru slowly turned his head to face he and slightly opened his mouth. Then Alisa poured it into Haru's mouth before he had a chance to complain. Haru instantly scrunched up his face in discust but swallowed it all the same.

"See it wasn't that hard~" Alisa teased as I released Haru.

Once set free, Haru ran to Chris and hugged him.

"Please save me from those monsters,"

Chris chuckled and patted Haru's head.

"So your calling Carla a monster now?" Chris teased.

Haru didn't reply.

Tamara, Kyle and Ezra then came walking into the cave.

"Did you get any food?!" Alisa said excitedly.

Tamara shook her head, while the other two just bowed thier heads.

"Everyone seems to be on high alert today, it was impossible to snatch anything,"

Alisa fell on her knees and began anime crying. Haru walked over and joined her.

I sighed and then walked over to the ODM gear that we had left in the corner. I picked one up and used my sleeve to brush some dust off of it.

"It's been a fortnight, I don't think their coming for us," I said.

The others stopped what they are doing and stared at me.

"W-what do you mean? I'm sure they'll be here soon right?" Alisa said.

"I'm sick and tired of hiding, I think its time we fought back," I announced.

"I'm with you on this, if they haven't got here yet they aren't coming at all," Tamara said.

"You guys are right, they haven't come for us so something must have happened to them," Ezra added.

"Let's go get em back!" Alisa cheered too hard making her hair fall into her face.

I picked up her white flower clip that had fallen onto the ground and walked closer to Alisa. I pushed her hair out of her face and used the clip to hold it back.

"Alright, everyone pack up were leaving,"

"Right now!"

We all looked around the cave packing essential into small bags we had gotten from the village. I went over to the ODM gear and started checking them for anything that may cause them to malfunction.

"We need to go back to that old castle for more gear we don't have enough for everyone, I'll be heading back there now so Alisa and Tamara, you're both coming with me,"

The three of us strapped up. Just as we were about to leave Chris grabbed my wrist.

"Be careful out there okay,"

I nodded then followed the girls outside. All three of us then started flinging ourselves from tree to tree until we were in close proximity to the old castle.

"There doesn't seem to be any sort of life around the outside of the building," Tamara said.

"We'll still need to be careful, they're could be traps or anything around," I whispered.

The two nodded and then we creeped up on foot to the building. Once inside we saw that the place was cleaned out.

"Those shits can't clean for shit," I sneezed.

Tamara let out a laughed.

"It's not too bad, your just a clean freak like captain Levi,"

I glared at her and then sighed.

"I want the two of you to look to see if there's anyone here, just in case of danger the code word is white flower" I said.

The two nodded and then split up.

I walked to the stairs and bent down behind then, then I pulled up the floorboards to reveal some hidded gear.

"Thank god," I sighed.

I pulled up the gear and counted two of them and then I took out several canisters of fuel.

"West wing clear!" Tamara said when she finally returned.

"Same on the east side!" Alisa called out.

I threw two canisters at Tamara who caught them with ease. We both changed the gas in our gear.

"Let's go," I said picking up what we came for, then I walked away.

Tamara and Alisa picked up some canisters and followed behind me.

When we got back to the cave we saw that everyone was ready and packed up. I passed around the spare ODM gear but hesitated when I got to Haru.

"Hey, I trained for this too, don't worry big sis I'll be careful,"

I sighed but still handed him the gear.

Once we were all strapped up and ready to go I turned to look at them all.

" Let's go get our family and friends back!" I yelled.

"Shinzou wo sasageyo!" Kyle screamed and we all laughed.

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