16: ☆Nightmare

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Carla pov

I saw everyone standing infront of me. Haru was pointing at me with a disgusted look on his face. They all had the same facial expressions.

"You're no sister of mine," Haru yelled to me.

I looked at him hurt.

"But why-," I began but was interupted by Alisa.

"You're a horrible person, how could you do such a thing," she said. I ran up to her and Haru but they disapeared.

"Why would you that Carla," Uncle Connie said. Uncle Connie and Uncle Jean then walked away from me but when I tried to chase them they also dissapeared.

"I'm so thankful that we're not actually blood related," Tamara then said. "We wouldn't want to be related to someone like you," Kyle added in. They then dissapeared along side Uncle Armin and Aunt Annie who couldn't even look at me.

"I should have left you on the street when I had the chance," Ezra then sneered.

What I heard next almost broke my heart.

"You're no daughter of mine!" Mikasa yelled at me.

"Mom," I cried.

Uncle Levi then slapped me hard and walked away.

"Don't go! " I yelled after them.

Then all who was left was Chris.

Chris didn't say anything to me and began walking away. I ran after him and held his hand.

"Don't go please!" I cried to him.

Chris looked at me and smiled kindly before he disapeared.

I then collapsed onto my knees and cried.

I suddenly woke up with a start. The sky was filled with colour as the sun had only just began to rise. I then suddently noticed a presents next to me.

I was shocked to see Chris laying next to me smiling. He raised his hand to my check and wiped away my tears that I didn't even know was there.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For staying by my side," I cried.

Chris then opened his arms out.

"We should go back to sleep now,"

I nodded my head and then went into his open arms and hugged him as he hugged me back.

It wasn't until the morning that I realised what I had been doing. I tried to get out of Chris's grip but he just hugged me tighter which made my face feel very warm.

"5 more minutes," He grumbled.

"C-chris wake up. If people see us like this they might think the wrong thing,"

"Who cares about what other people think," he said.

I felt my face turning very hot as Chris pulled me even closer to him.

"C-chris," I said again this time waking him up properly.

Chris opened his eyes and then looked at me in shock before turning into a tomato. He quickly got up and tried to straighten his clothes and straps but his hand were too shaky to tighten the belts properly.

I then stood up unable to look him in the eye and fixed his belts for him.

"You know I didn't really mind hugging you," Chris said.

"Ya it was nice," I mumbled back.

Everyone began to wake up now so Uncle Levi passed around breadrolls for breakfast. Once he got to me and Chris, Uncle Levi looked Chris up and down. "Tch," he said before walking away.

"Eat quickly, we need to get back on the road!" Levi yelled to all of us.

I quickly ate my bread and began walking over to Alisa when Uncle Levi stopped me.

"What's going on between you and that brat," he questioned.

I knew i was in for shit cause I had forgotten that he had insomnia, so he had probably seen me and Chris hugging all night.

"There's nothing going on between us," I said nervously trying to stop myself from blushing.

He raised his eyebrown and didn't look convinced.

"If that brat does anything to you tell me and I'll sort him out," he said then walked away.

I sighed to myself and wondered why I had such an over protective Uncle.

Uncle Jean then walked over to us and gave us our horse. I smirked at him.

"Man, I never thought I'd get to ever see identical twins ," I jeered.

Uncle Jean looked really pissed but he just walked away from us.

Chris got onto the horse first and held a hand to me.

"Do you wanna sit infront again?" He asked me.

I nodded my head and took his hand. I then heard wolf whistling behind me. I looked back and saw Kyle and Tamara giving me the look. I just glared at them as they laughed. Chris then pulled me up infront of him and I held him tight.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is it that you're so afraid of horseriding?" Chris questioned.

I didn't respond but I gave Chris a tight squeeze.

"Don't tell me that you're afraid of horses,"

I nodded my head and sighed.

"A few years back I was thrown off of a horse and ever since then I haven't been able to interact with one since,"

Chris chuckled then patted my head.

"I'm not surprised that a little squit like you was sent flying," he sniggered.

"Just wait till this is over," I hissed.


Sorry for the boring chapters but the story is about to pick up again soon. I've already drafted out what will happen getting to the end of this book and I recommend having a tissue box in close proximity of you.

I also just wanna say thank you for the 368 view and all the support you guys give me.

I hope that you will continue to read this book through till the end and I'm excited to see you there in the near future.

I'll be posting a new chapter soon so be ready for it. Things are about to get crazy.

Thanks for taking the time to read this all out and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day or night.

Signing out♡

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