☆ Epilogue ☆

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A soft breeze blew through the autum leaves on the tree as some leaves fluttered down landing softly on the ground.

I sat up against the trunk of the tree beside my fathers grave.

"Hey dad. It's been a few month since we finally got rid of the curse," I began.

"Everyone else seems to have settled in after what happened. I remember when I awoke after the event and was brought into trial. Just like you, huh. It took a while but I had alot of supporters so they let me go but under heavy watch for a while. Though they finally let me off, so that's why I came to visit you,"

I traced the lines of the life picture I had draw so many months ago.

"I've also wanted to ask a favour from you."

I gently tore the page out of my sketch pad and planted a small kiss on it before I folded it up, and placed it in the small hole I had dug just above my dad's grave.

"Please look after this boy, he means the world to me," I whispered .

I looked at the picture one last time before I covered it with dirt.


Come sit next to me Haru," I called.

He ran over and sat beside me. I put my sketchbook on my lap and began to draw. Haru layed his head against my shoulder.

"What are you drawing?" He asked shyly.

I patted his head.

"You'll see," I hummed.

I continues to draw in the comfortable silence until I heard Haru breathing deeply. I gently layed my stuff on the floor and put Haru laying onto the bed properly. I threw the blanket over him and then sat on the floor to continue drawing.

I looked at the sleeping boy infront of me as I turned the page to begin a new drawing. This time it was something, or rather someone, of importants to me.

Flashback ends

I sighed after I finished during my drawing of Haru and layed back up against the tree trunk.

I felt the old red scarf begin to slowly slide off my neck but before I could fix it, my gaze was locked upon a beautiful white gliding with the wind. It then gracefully swooped down to me and grabbed the end of my scarf, wrapping it back around my neck.

My gaze followed the bird as it flew away, a small smile appeared on my face.

I clenched my scarf with one hand.

"Thank you Dad," I whispered. I was happy knowing that my father had heard me and I knew that he had agreed to do my favour.

"I'll always remember you," I whispered as the autumn winds blew my words away.

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