17: ☆Hold on

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I could feel the movement of the horse stopping so I looked up at Chris.

"Hey, whats happening?" I asked quietly.

"The Captain has just signalled for us to stop," He whispered back.

I nodded my head.

"Everyone get ready we're not the only ones here!" Uncle Levi yelled.

Everyone quickly held their gear at the ready, staying in total silence. I leaned further away from Chris so that I could see more of our surrounding.

Suddently an arrow went shooting towards me as Chris pulled me back towards him. The arrow stuck to the tree behind us.

"Everybody scatter into your groups, us the trees to get to higher ground. Do not engage until you see my signal!" The Captains voice rang out.

"Be careful," Chris said to me as he flew to the right side while I followed my group to the left.




Chris pov

Tamara was quick to land next to me along side her twin.

"How many do you see, I've got 10?" Tamara asked with a flat voice.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's hard to tell but I estimate at least a few more than that,"

Tamara gave me a confused look and Kyle sneered.

"Are you blind or just incredibly stupid?" He sighed in frustration.

Annie then landed beside them.

"I think the kids right, If you look closely none of them have any bows on them. That wouldn't be right because an arrow was shot at Carla. That would mean that the archer is hidden. Most of the time a team that size would have at least a few archers, making it that there should be at least fifteen of them,"

Kyle looked at his mom and sighed.

"I guess that makes sense,"

We then noticed the group down below begin to continue forward. Tamara quickly wrote down the information and attached it to a special arrow. Then she sent it to the direction of team 3 to warn then about what was coming there way.

Alisa pov

I didn't really understand why my group was still on the ground but I'm sure they have some sort of reason for it.

A special arrow was sent our way and Mr. Horseface caught it with ease. I wasn't really sure what his real name was but I heard Carla calling him that a few times.

Mr. Horseface then passed the arrow to Armin who read what was written.

"Alright guys, we've got ten swordsmen and at least five archers heading our way. Our objective is to spectate until given a signal to attack," Armin explained to the group.

Both me and Ezra saluted. "Yes sir!" We said in unison.

Mr. Horseface and Armin then flew up to a branch on one of the trees and we followed behind.

Not even a minute later I heard a very familiar sound coming from the bottom of the tree, getting louder by the second.

I looked over the side of the branch and was shocked to see people flying up to us also using the ODM gear.  I almost fell off the tree in shock but Ezra pulled me back in time.

"Jeez, be careful idiot,"

I ignored Ezra and then looked to our team leader.

"Sir! They seem to have similar gear to us and are heading for our direction!" I yelled.

Armin then nodded and turned to Mr. Horseface.

"Jean, I need you to report back to the captain. I'll get the kids to safety," he instructed.

Mr. Horseface or rather 'Jean' then flew off in the direction of team 1. Armin then turned back to us.

"We need to go now. This group seems to be a bigger threat than what we originally anticipated,"

We all then left the tree branch and followed in the direction of our team leader.

Carla pov

I followed my team to the left side. We all then landed on a tree while Uncle Levi approached me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Under no circumstances are you allowed to transform into a titan. Do I make myself clear Carla,"

I looked at my short uncle and nodded my head.

"I promise I won't, you can trust me," I smiled.

Levi sighed but flashed me a quick kind smile back. He then released my shoulder and walked over to Mikasa and Uncle Connie. Haru stood at my side.

"Big sis, will we be okay?" Haru asked.

I took his hand and gave it a reasuring squeeze.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. Just listen to whatever the captain says and he'll keep us safe,"

Haru smiled and nodded. I smiled back and patted his head.

Suddently Uncle Jean came quickly landing onto the branch and he rushed over to Levi. He whispered something into his ear which made Uncle Levi's face look more serious.

"Springer I want you to take the kids and head north of the forest. You should meet the others there. And Kristen, and Ackerman follow me,"

Levi jumped off the side of the tree while me and Haru followed Connie.

"Whats happening?" Haru asked. Fear lased his voice.

"It's alright kid, the captain is just going to sort something out for us," Connie reasured Haru.

I looked to Haru, he didn't seem convinced but he kept his mouth shut. He looked to me for answers. I gave him a smile and nodded my head.

"Uncle Connie is right, everything is alright,"

The world semed to want to contradict what I just said. There was suddently the sound of a blade slicing through skin as I widdened my eyes at the sight before me.

I was just happened so fast. I wasn't expecting it. But it was too late now.

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