24: ☆Welcome back.

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I sat crouched down with a stick in my hand drawing into the dirt. When suddently I heard a rustling coming from behind me. I didn't turn around and acted like I hadn't heard anything as I could feel the presence of someone sneaking up on me. Still not turning around, I slowly put my hand into my boot and pulled out one of my knifes.

The whooshing noise of something flying towards me finally made me get into action. I quickly dodged the blade then stood up in a defensive stance, looking around carefully for my attacker. I saw a shadow moving above me so I looked up and moved out of their line of attack.

"Are you already getting old again? You've missed me twice," I jeered.

Eren's face looked at me with a grin. "We've only just begun, you're just getting lucky."

I smirked back at him. "Then come at me, 'dad',"

We stood infront of eachother fists held up at the ready. Eren then suddently ran at me so I kicked him back, then a sudden flash of a memory hit me.

"It won't hurt for you to know these kinds of moves too," Annie said. Eren then began to panic. " Alright I get it, Let's take a break," he said in fear. Annie didn't even bother waiting . She kicked Eren back and then got her head and one arm under Eren's right arm and had the other arm over his left shoulder. She then proceeded to turn and flip Eren over. They both landed on the floor as Annie made sure to keep the struggling Eren under her by choking him. "Annie.... I give up," Eren wheezed. "I give up do you hear," he repeated. "Give up?! I don't need you to give up, I need you to learn how to use your strength," she hissed.

This gave me a sudden idea so I waited for my father to get up and run at me again. Just as he was about to punch me I dodged to the side and silently summoned another version of my father, controlling him to do my bidding.

Knowing that my father had previously memorised the move I knew it would be easier to get him to do it to perfection.

Young Eren's eyes opened slightly in shock giving me just a second to gain the upper hand.

I controlled the summoned Eren to use Annie's move. Head and arm under the opponents right arm and the other arm over his left shoulder, and then proceed to turn and flip the other Eren over.

Just as my dad was pinned to the floor I picked up one of the knifes that were sticking up out of the ground. Then I threw the knife and it was caught by Erwin who held it right up against my dads throat. I walked over to my dad as my summoned Eren disapeared leaving only me and hanji up against my dad.

"Under normal circumstances that wouldn't be too bad but I'm a titan, A cut to the throat won't kill me," he laughed.

I smiled widely at him.

"Why do you think I summoned Hanji, she's a titan scientist so I'd be careful if I was you. One wrong move and her second knife will stab right into your nape killing you instantly,"

Eren gave me a proud look as he felt the presents of both knifes.

"I think you're finally ready."

Alisa's pov

"We need to go out searching for supplies or food we don't have enough to last us for the next few days," Captain Levi announced to use all.

My stomach rumbled i agreement.

Everbody has been on extra precaution ever since Carla disapeared two weeks ago. Captain Levi makes us all stick together so we can try to avoid losing anymore people. Mikasa and Levi were the most upset about Carla's disappearance and are refusing to belive she is dead. I guess that's to be expected because they were her parental figures.

Personally I don't think she's dead. I saw the way titans act around her. They never try to harm her or disobey her almost as though she's their queen. When we saw no remains of her body I just knew she was alive.... somewhere out there....

Chris on the other hand still blames himself for letting her go. For not continuing to follow her into the titan horde and to catch her once again. He's barely been eating these past 2 weeks, not that there's much food given out anyways. Thats why we're forced to go hunting today. There's not enough food to last us much longer even if we rasion it out even more.

I stood up from my place beside Ezra and I tightened all my belts before attaching my gear. We're all on our last gas tanks so we have to try so reserve how much we have left. My blades on the other hand were a bit blunt but thats fine. It's not like we're killing any titans today.

"Alright everyone follow me. Stick together!" Captain Levi ordered.

We all quietly tailed behind him watching out for titans or any wild beasts we could kill for food.

A wierd noise was heard beside me as I turned to look at Chris who had a panicked look on his face. He was looking down at his tanks as they began to fail.

"Shit," he muttered as he suddently went crashing downwards.

I tried to chase after him at full speed, using up my gas too quickly. I wasn't able to get to him in time as he crashed down into a tree creating a loud rukus.

I landed beside him checking for a pulse and was relieved to feel his heart beating. His leg on the other hand was bending in ways that a leg shouldn't be able to bend. Thank god he's only passed out for now otherwise he would be screaming in pain.

The others were quick to join us and check on Chris.

"He's just unconscious for now, but he's not going to be able to walk anytime soon with that leg of his," I said.

Captain Levi nodded his head. "Tell me how much gas does everyone have left?" He questioned us all.

We all checked our tanks knowing we didn't have enough left to carry Chris.

"We'll have to leave him behind," Levi said and all looked at him in shock.

"We can't just leave him here, in his state he'll die out here!" Ezra argued.

Levi glared at him. "I have more than one person to think about here. I can't risk losing lives over one person, we don't have a choice. I don't like having to leave him but we can't carry him,"

Knowing that we have no choice but to leave him I began to take off my gear. We could all hear the titans beggining to come in our direction.

"Alisa what the hell are you doing!?" Ezra yelled at me in concern.

"I used up all my gas trying to catch him. If I come with you guys I will also end up becoming a liability. At least if I stay here then Chris won't die here on his own,"

Ezra seemed to want to try change my decision but Captain Levi stopped him.

"I guess we have no choice then but to make out last stand here then," Levi said knowing fully well that none of us would be able to face the guilt if we left Chris behind.

The titans were now upon us as we all used the rest of our gas to fight of nearby titans trying not to kill them.

"It was an honor fighting amongst you all," Armin says as we ended up cornered.

A hand reached down towards me as I finally excepted my end when suddently there was a loud voice.

"Back it up!" The voice yelled.

All the titans stopped what they were doing and quickly backed away from us. The owner of the voice then walked out into the opening and smiled at us.

"Long time no see," Carla exclaimed.


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