19: ☆Wake up

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Chris pov

I looked at the ground and saw four titan. Looking at them gave me feel uneasy.

"Tsk, Not this crap again," Captain Levi mumbled but we all heard him.

"What in the world is going on?" Ezra asked to no one in particular.

The Captain then turns to us.

"Who isn't here with us right now?"

"The twins aren't here," I said.

"Same with Connie and Horseface," Alisa piped in.

"Alright Ackerman and Chris both of you are going to help me locate Carla's position while the rest of you are to stop any titans from coming into close proximity of us. Try your best not to kill to many," Levi ordered.

Levi then passed me and Carla's mom a flare gun. "Shoot this into the sky when you find her so we can come to your position,"

I nodded taking the gun before I went into the direction that I saw Connie coming from earlier.

I looked around for any sign of her, but also made sure to be high up incase a titan came at me from behind a tree. It wasn't long before I spotted something which made me feel uneasy and worried.

Carla pov

"Hey Carla wake up!" Someone yelled shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Kyle but something seemed off. He looked like he did when he was 5. Once he saw my eyes opening he pulled me out of bed. I ended up up head first into the wooden floorboards. "That hurt dumbass!" I yelled but was shocked to hear that my own voice had changed and that I felt much shorter than usual. I looked to my side where a mirror stood and saw my own reflection, I looked the exact same as I has twelve years ago. "Come on cous you promised that today you would help me collect seashells," Kyle said breaking me out of my trance. "Okay I'm coming," I said following him downstairs. I met my mother in the hallway. "Oh Carla you're finally awake. Why don't you guys go get something to eat before you go out exploring,". Kyle nodded his head and I followed along. "You'll never get to the kitchen before me!" Kyle yelled running off. "Oh no you don't!" I yelled chasing after him. We burst into the kitchen panting. "Haha I got there first," Kyle teased. I looked at him slightly pissed. "That's only because you cheated, you ran before I was ready," I retorted. "Good morning sunshine, I'm cooking pancakes. Do any of you guys want some?". I looked up at the person talking to us, my eyes widdened and began to tear up. "D-dad?" I cried running over to him. He raised an eyebrow in confusion and crouched down to my level. "Are you okay? What's wrong Carla?" My dad asked hugging me. I hugged him back harder. "Why am I crying," I mumbled to myself. "What did you say?" Eren questioned. I sighed. "Nevermind dad. Can I have one of those pancakes of yours?". He patted my head and nodded. "Sure thing Sunshine,". I walked over to the table that Kyle was sitting at and sat beside him. "Aren't you excited, your dad's pancakes are the best!" Kyle said excitedly. WAKE UP CARLA! NONE OF THIS IS REAL!. I clutched my head in pain. "Hey, Are you okay cous?" Kyle asked me. I nodded my head. "Ya I just have a slight headace," I replied. I looked over at Kyle and noticed that he wasnt moving. "Hello, Kyle wake up," I said waving my hand infront of his face to no avail. CARLA WAKE UP AND TAKE MY HAND! A young girl then formed infront of me with her hand outstretched. Carla this is only a mere dream. Just take my hand and wake up. I looked at the girl and noticed that she looked oddly familiar. "How do I know that I can trust you?". The girl looked at me and smiled. You know the truth in your heart. I looked at Kyle and my dad before looking back at the girl. "Fine, I trust you," I said then grabbed her hand.

I looked around and noticed that I was back in the place I had met Ymir for thefirst time. I gave the girl infront of me a hug.

"Thank you Ymir...,"I said hugging the girl tightly.

She patted my back awkwardly.

"It's was just for my own personal reasons so you don't need to thank me," she said.

"But still thanks all the same,"

Ymir then cleared her throat. "Carla it is time. It's now or never,".

I nodded understanding what she ment.

"I promise that I'll finally set you free," I said and she smiled.

"I'm sure you will Carla,".

I then suddently woke up in my titan form and ejected myself out of the nape.

"Oh my god. CARLA!" Chris yelled rushing over to me.

He then suddently pulled me close and kissed me. I felt his chapped lips against mine and it awoken something in me that I never noticed before. I looked at him stuned as he pulled away.

"Im so sorry, I was just so worried and...," he began but I interupted

"Just shut up will you," I said pulling his coller and connecting our lips once more.

Alisa pov

Me and Ezra were the first to arrive in the area that Chris had shot his flare.

"Do you see them anywhere?" I asked Ezra.

I looked at him and saw him smirking.

"Oh I see them alright,"

I walked over to Ezra to see what he was looking at and I started fangirling.

"They finally did it!" I cheered.

Ezra placed a hand over my mouth like he did once before and once again my face flared up.

"Be quiet you don't want them to know we're here. We should go give them some privacy,"

I nodded my head in agreement.

We both then flew off into the trees not too far away but far enough that they had some sort of privacy.

"One of us might die before this end so there's something I want to do before I end up regretting it later," Ezra said.

I raised my eyebrows in a questioning manor.

"What is it that you want to do?" I asked.

Ezra then walked up close to me.

"This," he said before holding my face and kissing me on the lips.

I was so shocked and embarrassed that I ended up panicking and slapping Ezra in the face.

He held his cheek and had a look of sadness in his eyes.

"I'm s-sorry.....," he stuttered.

I finally realised what had just happened and I felt as if my face wa on fire.

"T-there's no need to apologise. I-it's not like I didn't like it or anything," I mumbled extremely quietly

Ezra still seemed to have heard me because he no longer looked hurt and he had a huge smirk on his face.

"So you liked it then~,"

My face felt even hotter if that was even possible.

"T-that's not w-what I ment," I stuttered embarrased.

Ezra then placed his hand back onto the side of my face.

"So you wouldn't mind if I did that again,"he whispered.

He didn't need a reply because he could already tell by the look in my eye.

He slowly brought his face closer to me and kissed me but this time I didn't slap him, instead I kissed him back.

Suddently I felt a slap on my cheek but not too hard.

"Hey what was that for," I said in a slightly angry tone even though I wasn't one bit mad.

"Just returning the gesture," he smirked.

I glared at him but it didn't last that long.

"Whatever," I mumbled giving Ezra a hug.

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