11: ☆Hide away

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A few weeks later

"GET UP! We've got to leave now!" Someone yelled busting in my door.

I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. People these days don't even know how to wake someone up without startling them. I yawned loudly then the words that were screamed finally began to sit in. I quickly threw the sheets off of me and got into my gear, and strapped on my ODM gear. Once I was done I ran to the boys room.

"Haru, Chris, Ezra get your lazy asses up out of bed, we're leaving right now!" I yelled at them.

Chris and Ezra were quick to get up and get ready but Haru's movements were slow. I picked up Haru and then left the room heading to were Alisa was staying. When I got there she was already dresses and ready. Once she saw me she flashed me smile.

"Let's do this!" She cheered. I couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"Alisa, stop with the messing and let's head downstairs to meet with the others," I said.

Her face suddently turned serious as she nodded her head. We both then ran downstairs where we were met with alot of shouting and fighting. I then placed Haru onto the ground.

"Alisa, I want you to take Haru into the woods, you should be able to meet up with Chris and Ezra there," I said.

"But what about you?" She asked in worry.

I looked at her and gave her a smile.

"Don't worry, once I'm done here I'll meet you guys there okay," I said, then I pulled out my blades from my gear.

Alisa nodded and then ran off with Haru.

I didn't waste anytime running around the house trying to get rid of as many intruders as possible. I suddently saw my mom in the kitchen fighting a guy who cornered my mom.

I immediately rushed over and stabbed him in the arm. He then turned to me about to stab me with a knife when my mom smacked him in the head with a frying pan. He then fell to the ground unconscious.

"Mom are you okay?" I asked giving her a hug.

I gave me a fond pat on the head.

"What are you still doing here, why aren't you with the others?" She asked.

She didnt even give me a chance to answer when she suddently wrapped her scarf around my neck.

"Mom what are you doing? This is your most precious belonging," I stampered.

"This scarf will keep you safe just as it kept me safe all these years, it was a gift from your father so I now give it to you," she said.

"But mom...," I started.

She put a finger to my lips.

"If you dont want it then can you at least hold onto it till I come back to you?" She pleaded.

She grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"You need to keep the others safe, I promise once we're done here we will find you guys. Just promise me you'll keep safe," She begged.

I nodded my head and sighed. "Alright, as long as you promise to come back to me mom,".

She smiled at me and then held out her pinky finger.

I entertwined out two pinky fingers and sighed.

"Deal," she said.

"Deal," I said in determination.

I picked up my two swords and rushed out to the door. I turned around just before I left and I smiled at my mom before running outside.

I ran to the woods where I met up with Kyle, Tamara, Chris, Ezra, Alisa and Haru. Alisa had Haru in her arms. I rushed over to her in panic.

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