5: ☆Friend?

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In the early hours of the morning, I found my self wandering into a busy town. My clothes were dirty after falling countless times. I noticed a clothes line by a house and quickly rushed to it grabbing as many clothes as possible. A voice screamed behind me as I ran away.

I turned down several corners until I could no longer hear the yelling.

Dropping the clothes before me i inspected what I had. I groaned in annoyance as the clothes were much to big for me. I pulled out a cloak from the bundle and drapped it over me.

"This will have to do," I mumbled.

I suddently heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me. Turned around and saw three boys. They didn't look much older than me.

"My my what do we have here," the tallest of the three snarled.

One of the other boys rolled his eyes and walked closer to me.

" Don't mind that idiot, I'm Chris, whats your name?" He said stretching a hand out to me.

I looked at his hand and then him. His blue eyes looked at me in curiosity then he suddently flashed me a smile.

"I guess you're not one for handshakes," he said.

Just as he was about to withdraw his hand I grabbed it.

"Carla..," I said.

He gave me another bright smile.

"Nice to meet ya Carla, the idiot over there is Ezra and the guy beside him is Haru," Chris ranted.

I finally released Chris's hand and looked at the others. Ezra had his arms crossed over his chest and glared at me. I glared back.

"Baldy!" I jeered at him.

Ezra seemed to turn red with rage.

"I'll show you not to mess with me!" He yelled stomping over to me.

Haru grabbed him by the arm and looked at him with pleading eyes. Ezra sighed.

"I'll let you get away with this, this time since your a girl. But next time I won't hold back," he snarled at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"You could never beat me in a one on one fight," I mumbled barely audible.

Chris laughed beside me.

"You really are a character Carla!" He said between laughs.

Chris then put an arm on my shoulder.

"You're obviously new in these parts so let us show you around," he said excitedly.

"If you knew what I was you wouldn't be so kind to me," I said in monotone.

I brushed Chris's hand off my shoulder.

"It's best I get going,".

As I began to walk away a voice entered my head.

"Don't walk away, you need them. There good assets to have later in this war," it said.

I held my head.

"Leave me alone," I groaned.

"You can't ignore what is to come, you are the only hope left,".

"I already told you, Go find someone else,".

The voice kept ringing in my ear making my dizzy. I fell to my knees clasping my head.

I suddently felt someone shaking me.

"Carla! Hey Carla, are you okay?" They asked.

I opened my eyes slightly.

"I'm fine Chris," I mumbled before everything went dark.

I was back where I once was before but the young girl was sitting beside me this time.

"You know there isn't really a point in denying what you already know to be true," she said calmly.

I bent my head forwards and looked at the ground.

"How do you expect me, a coward to save the world. I'm not like my parents. I'm not brave or strong I'm just a big fake," I stammered.

I then glanced at the girl. She was smiling at me brightly.

"You are not your parents, you are you. You are who you are supposed to be. I put all my faith in the fact that I know that you will be able to do it. All you need is a little more faith in yourself,"

I grabbed her by the shoulders.

"How can you place so much faith in me, someone you don't even know," I cried.

She patted my hair gently.

"I know you more than you know yourself," she said.

I released her shoulders and stood up.

"Ymir you're placing so much faith in me, a nobody, so I guess it's only fair that I at least try to accomplish your wish,".

I looked at her and gave her a smile. Then a sudden thought hit me.

"How exactly am I supposed to get rid it this curse?" I questioned.

Ymir let out a small giggle.

"You'll know what to do when the time is right,"

My eyes fluttered open and i looked around. How on earth did I get on a bed?

The door of the room opened slowly and someone peeped their head in the room.

"Carla you're finally awake!" Chris yelled running towards he engulfing me in a hug.

"Tch," is all I replied with.

Two more heads poked in.

"Took you long enough. You've been snoring like a pig for two days straight," Ezra groaned.

Haru walked over and pulled Chris off of me. He then passed me an apple.

I mumbled a tanks and then quickly ate the apple. Two days of sleeping really makes you hungry.

When I finished eating I looked at the boys.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"This is our secret hide out. You're the first girl we've ever let in here," Chris announced with joy.

"Sorry for the trouble," I apologise.

"No need for apologies, friends are supposed to help eachother,".

"F-friends?" I asked to no one in particular.

I quite liked the sound if that.

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