3: ☆Everyone knows

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I woke up to someone gently running their hand through my hair. I tried to open my eyes and saw my mom. The moment my mom noticed my eyes open she hugged my tight, still running her fingers through my hair.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" She ranted.

I nodded my head.

"Don't nod your head at me! I know you can speak!" She scolded me.

I turned my head away from her.

"Mikasa, leave the kid alone she just woke up," a familiar voice said.

I turned to the voice and saw uncle Levi. I realised that I was in his house. I gave him a bright smile.

"Carla don't smile at me, once you've gotten a bite to eat come to the dining room," he said then left.

Mom gave me a glass of water and a sandwich.

"I'll meet you in the dining room with the others," she said then followed Uncle Levi out.

I groaned and ate the food I was given. Feeling anxious I ate quickly and drank the water.

Slowly I left the room and walked to the dining room. I placed my hand on the handle before taking a deep breath and opening the door. Seven pairs of eyes turned to look at me and I froze.

"You've got alot of explaining to do," Uncle jean Grumbled.

I looked around the room nervously and spotted someone tied to a chair with a bag over their head. I walked over to them and before anyone could stop me I pulled off the bag. Two blue eyes looked at me startled before becoming kind. Someone suddently pulled my back.

"Stay away from him please thats not your father, your fathers dead!" My mom pleaded.

I broke free from her grip and pointed at the man.

"He's already dead," I said clearly, shocking everyone.

Just as I said that the man dissapeared. They all looked confused.

"That was really him, I called him," I mumbled looking at the ground.

My mom grabbed me then shook me.

"Get it through your head Carla, he's dead," she cried.

I pushed her off me.

"Don't believe me well I'll show you!" I hissed.

I bite into my hand hard and yelled "Sasha Braus!"

There was yet again another flash and everyone shielded their eyes.

"Hey Carla!" She shrieked and hugged me.

The others in the room lowered their hands and stared. Some where tearing up.

"Y-you're an imposter! " Uncle Connie screeched with tears pouring out of his eyes.

Sasha released me and smiled at the others.

"By any chance do any of you have food?" She beamed.

Connie ran over to her and hugged her and everyone followed along except for me and Uncle Levi.

"How do you know these people?" Levi asked passing me my shetchbook.

"You mean Isabel and Farlan?" I said.

He flinched at hearing their names. A breif look of sadness was on his face till he quickly hide it. I smiled then hugged them.

"They were in my dreams the night I stayed over," I whispered. " I can tell that they were special to you..."

He gave me a quick hug and then cleared his throat to get everyones attention.

"We need to leave here as soon as possible, so wrap up this reunion,"

Everyone saluted and then went around the house in search of important items.

Uncle Levi brought me to the basement and opened an old box. My eyes widdened at what was there.

"These are the ODM gear that Auntie Hanji made?" I exclaimed excitedly.

Uncle Levi nodded his head and pointed at another box.

"Bring everything in that box upstairs," he said.

I went over to the box and looked inside it in awe.

"These are the scouting league outfits!" I shrieked.

I grabbed as many as I could carry and went upstairs with Uncle Levi.

"Suit up!" Levi ordered.

Everyone was strapping into their gear as I struggled with mine. Mom pulled me over and had to do it for me. Then the ODM gear was given out. I was confused when I wasn't given any.

"Don't I also need one of those? How on earth am I supposed to come?" I questioned.

"You can't use it without experience and training," Uncle Jean said.

I stuck my tougue out at him.

Suddently Tamara and Kyle came running in.

"Hurry they're almost here, there's about 20 soldiers with them," Kyle said.

We all went out the back door and my mom grabbed my hand.

"Hold onto me as tight as you can," she told me.

I held onto her as we all flew through the town heading for the big forest.

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