20: ☆Sorry

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Carla pov

"What the fuck is going on here," a voice said as me and Chris turned our head towards the voice.

The person suddently grabbed Chris and placed his blade up to his neck. "What are you doing to me niece," he growled.

"Uncle Levi it's fine, I was the one who kissed him," I said.

Levi looked at me eyebrows raised.

"You kissed.... this brat...," he said to me.

I nodded my head. Uncle Levi sighed then released Chris.

We all stayed in silence, only the sound of birds and rustling leaves could be heard. I felt a pang in my chest as I remembered Haru.

"Haru is he......,"I began but I couldn't continue.

Uncle Levi gave me a hug and patted my back.

"There was nothing we could do. He was already dead when connie brought him over to us,"

"I know, I was just hoping my mind had just been playing tricks on me," I mumbled.

I pushed my self away from Levi.

"You know, I'm sorry for not keeping my promise to you...,"

Uncle Levi rubbed my head messing up my hair.

"Whatever kid, as long as you're still alive then it doesn't matter, sometimes promises are ment to be broken,"

I looked at my Uncle while a soft smile appeared on my face.

The sound of gear could be heard as the rest of the group joined us.

"We need to leave this area now, we have titans coming in from all directions," Annie said.

I zoned out as everyone talked about an escape route. The sound of low pitched whistling caught my attention as I began to follow it.

A hand suddently grabbed my wrist.

"Carla, where are you going? The majority of titans are coming from that way,"

I pulled my arm away and looked at Alisa.

"Sorry I was just zoning out,"

"Ehh it's fine we all do it sometimes,"

We followed Captain Levi through the trees. He seemed to know where to go. I looked back in the direction that I had heard the whistling coming from. What exactly was that?

We all gathered at the top branch of a tree.

"Alright we'll stay here till it's safe to leave," said Alisa.

"But captain, what happens if the titans have learned how to climb?"

"we've just got to hope that these titans haven't figured out how to climb a tree yet but until then we shall rest up here,"

Alisa nodded her head and then walked over to Ezra. Once she was close to him he put an arm around her and looked at her lovingly. I squinted my eyes in suspicion.

"They're finally together, you think?" Chris whispered to me.

"Guess so~," I smirked.

I looked at the adults who were grouped together talking and I walked over to them. Once my mother saw me approaching she rushed over to me.

"What the hell was that!" She said shaking me.

"Jeez look I'm sorry mom okay," I grumbled.

Mikasa then began to look me over.

"MOM, I said I'm fine,"

She looked me in the face and then sighed.

"I'm sorry Carla, it's just that after your father....,"

I gave my mom a tight hug.

"You don't need to worry alright, didn't I promise you that I'll keep safe,"

Mikasa gave me a squeeze before we released out hug.

"Why are we all just so okay with all this! Isn't she the one who made people into those titans," Annie hissed.

Armin quickly put his hand over her mouth.

"Sorry don't mind her, she's just upset about what happened to Tamara and Kyle,"

I looked at the two of them and bowed my head.

"Im sorry...... I promise that I'll do anything to get them back,"

Armin looked at me and a small smile appeared on his face. He gave me a light pat on the head.

"You're a good kid Carla," he said then walked away pulling Annie with him.

A hand was then placed on my shoulder.

"You should get some sleep, we're up early tomorrow," Uncle Levi said.

I nodded my head and then walked over to Chris. As I sat down beside him he pulled me into a hug.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm just tired," I yawned.

I then layed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Carla," Chris whispered to me as I felt myself drifting off.

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