12: ☆Medication for Haru

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We all sat down in a circle in silence

"What are we going to do?" Alisa asked saying the question that we all wanted to know the answer for.

"We could try get Carla to summon someone to go out and get us supplies and medicine," Kyle suggested.

Tamara nodded her head. "That was none of us will get hurt,".

"And here I thought that you two were supposed to be the smart ones but you failed to realise that it drains Carla each time she has to summon someone. We can't take a chance like that in our situation,"

We all turned our heads to Ezra.

"Then what is it you suppose we do?" Tamara said.

You could see daggers flying in the air with how hard the twins and Ezra were glaring at eachother.

"How about I propose an idea,"

We all then looked to Alisa.

"I grew up around these parts so I know how to get to the village, we'll be able to get anything we need there," she said bravely.

I nodded my head.

"Let's do that, and I'll come with you," I said standing up.

Chris grabbed onto my wrist.

"You can't go, your the one we need to protect, ".

"If you wish to protect me then just come with me,".

Chris stood up still holding onto my wrist and picked up my cloak that had been left on the ground by Alisa. He carefully drapped it around my shoulders and pulled the hood down.

"That should cover your identity for now," he sighed. I looked up at him and smiled.

There were then loud vomiting noises behind us. "Get a room will ya, the two of you love birds might as well be making out,"

Chris and I flushed a deep shade of red and he released my wrist.

"I-it's not like that," Chris stuttered.

"Ya right," Ezra mumbled back.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down then I placed a hand on Chris's shoulder. "You coming?"


The three of us hid behind a bush.

"Okay so whats the plan?"

I picked up a twig and started drawing into the dry mud infront of us.

"Okay Alisa since your familiar with the area I want you to go find the stall that sells medicine, specifically medicine to treat the flu,"

"Once you find it I want you to cough loudly so that I know where it is,"

Alisa nodded.

I drew a box to symbalise the stall. Then I drew a circle to represent her.

"I want you to then stand here and ask for the medicine...."

"But we don't have any money," Alisa said.

I cleared my throat. "As I was saying, you Alisa will ask for the medicine and once you have it in hand I'll come running in snatching something from their stall," I said while drawing it all out. "Once me and the seller are out of sight you need to run in the opposite direction. We'll meet up back here,".

I then placed the twig back on the ground finished with my drawings.

"So any questions?" I asked.

Chris gave me a poke in the shoulder.

"So what am I suppose to do?"

I thought for a moment.

"Well..... you can be our lookout incase the plan goes wrong,"

Chris sighed but didn't complain.

I then got up and kicked the mud. "Alright let's head out,"

Alisa walked out first but as I was about to follow Chris held me back. He pulled my hood farther down my face and then brushed any dirt off of me.

"Promise me that you'll keep safe," he begged.

I nodded and smiled, a light blush on my cheeks.

"Don't worry I'll be fine cause I've got you watching my back,"

Chris flushed bright red and turned away from me.

I laughed a little before running after Alisa. I made sure to keep a distance of at least 5 metres between us and I stayed in the shadows trying my best not to look at all suspisious.

Alisa suddently stopped at a stall with several different types of herbs and medicines. She then let out a loud cough that atracted the old shopkeepers attention.

"Hello there ma'am, is there anything specific your looking for young lady?" He asked Alisa.

I could see that her hands were shaking with fear but she kept a brave face on .

"Would you by any chance have anything that can subdue a bad flu?" She asked with confidence.

The old man thought for a second before he went ahead to search the back of the shop for something.

He then returned with a handful of herbs.

"I've got some Rosemary's and thymes here. These should be able to help get rid of the fever," he said passing them to Alisa.

"How much would that be sir?"

The old man gave Alisa a kind smile.

"You dont need to pay for them, I can tell that you don't have any money on you sweetheart. So can you do something else for me instead," His kind smile turned into a creepy one.

Alisa then began to shake even more as the old mancame closer to her.

"Why don't we have a bit of fun,"

That was the last straw for me. I immediately ran up behind him and withdrew Ezra's knife. I held the knife up to the old guys throat.

"It you touch even a single hair on her I won't hesitate to end you," I whispered into him ear, Malice lassed in my voice.

I then quickly grabbed onto Alisa's hand and began to run away.

"Hey! You theif get back here!" The old man yelled catching the attention of other stall sellers.

It didnt take long before we had a bunch of people in all sizes chasing after us. Some were yelling at us while others were throwing stones at us as we tried to get away. I pulled Alisa closer to me and I covered her with my cloak to help protect her.

As we continued running eventually the other stall sellers gave up on chasing after us and returned to their own stalls. We were out of breath by the time we got back to the area behind the bush. Once I saw Chris I ran over to him angrily."w

"You were supposed to be on lookout Chris where were you?!" I said angrily.

Chris only smiled and passed me a bag. Once I looked inside I was shocked. It was packed full of many varieties of food.

"When I saw that all the stall workers chasing after you guys like idiots I decided to just pop around and take whatever I liked,"

I couldn't decide if I was mad or happy with Chris so I just brushed it aside.

"Let's head back now, Haru and the rest are waiting for up," I said.

"First one back gets first choice on what to eat!" Alisa yelled running.

"Oh no you don't," Chris said chasing after her.

I looked at the two with a smile.

"Hey Carla you coming," Alisa beemed.

"Sure am!" I replied running after the both of them.

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