23: ☆Father

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I looked at the boy, eyebrows raised.

"I'm sorry but you must be kidding, your much too young to be my father,"

The boy looked at me and then laughed.

"Well, I'm not yet your father. I come from the past, but with the ability of the founding titan I'm able to travel to the future for a limited amount of time. Unlike you though titans like how I taste so I think it's best we run first, then I can explain everything to you."

I sighed and then nodded my head.

"Fine I'll go with you, it's not like I can go back to the others any time soon. They most likely already think that I'm dead." I sighed once more.

The boy grinned at me and began to run as I trailed behind him.

He led me to a hideout that was hidden under the roots of a tree, the perfect place to hide. As we entered he immediately closed the door behind him and lit a candle. The room was small but spacious with a bed made of leaves bundled in the corner. Eren than sat on the leaves and gestured for me to sit beside him.

"So you finally ready to tell me everything?"

The emerald eyed boy nodded his head and sighed.

"I presume you already know how you got ymir's curse, but you don't know the reason why. You see under normal terms you would not have been able to inherit this curse because you are part of the ackerman bloodline but with this deal your fate was sealed. I never realised that this deal would be the end of humanity, if I had known I'd have never accepted it,"

I looked at my father with curiosity. What did he mean by causing the end of humanity? I raised an eyebrow at him in questioning. "Are you trying to say that I'm the cause of humanities fall?"

He nodded his head at me. "That's what will happen once Ymir gets full control. Unless.... you let me train you to get stronger. Strong enough to get back control,".

"I need a moment to think this through, this is too much for me to process right now,"

Eren nodded his head understanding. "I'll just leave you alone for a bit," he said then got up and walked to the door. Just before he went out he turned back to me. "Just so you know... your powers... they never left you,".

The door closed with a light thud as I layed back onto the leaves and sighed deeply. Did he really think that I could just defeat her, someone with so much power? But on the other hand, what did he mean by my power never left? Ymir took them from me when I was in that subterranean place with that centipede. "You confuse me so much old man," I mumbled to myself.

I looked down at my wrist. The knife cut arm had finally healed only leaving a faint scar behind. I sighed. "There's no harm in trying again."

I closed my eyes tightly and bite down hard into my hand, flinching at the sudden pain. "Sasha braus!" I half yelled.

I kept my eyes closed for a second before a peeked then open. I looked around the room seeing that nothing had changed, other than the fact that my hand was bleeding profusely. "I knew what he said was just bullshit!" I hissed.

The door suddenly burst open as the boy came running in. "I leave you alone for less than a minute and this is what you do!" He freaks. He ripped off the bottom of his pants leg and used it to wrap around my hand. "What the HELL gave you the idea to bit into your hand!"

"Hey don't yell at me. It was you who said it in the first place!"

" I didn't tell you to bite into your hand, What are you trying to do? You trying to turn into a titan or something, beacause thats not going to work."

I scowled at him. "Then show me what you mean?"

He sighed but walked outside beconing for me to follow him. I groaned but followed along. He led me just a bit farther from his hideout and instructed me to stand infront of him.

"Carla you may have never realised, but you were born with the ability to summon dead eldian people. Unlike your titan shifting abilities which were given too you by Ymir, your ability to summon those who have died is a power that you received due to your blood line. Being half Ackerman and half eldian cause a one in a lifetime phenomenon which by unknown reasons gave you these abilities,"

I gave him a wierd look. "So you're telling me that I can just summon any dead eldian not because of the curse but because of my bloodline,"

He gave me a nod in response.

"Alright then show me. Show me that you're not just spitting bullshit, because I just tried to do just that almost a minute ago and look what happened!"

He looked me in the eye and sighed. "The only reason you're bleeding right now is because you aren't doing it right. Before when you had your titan abilities, they were able to kick start your power for you but now you have to learn how to activate it yourself,"

I took a deep breath then sighed.
"What do I do then?" I said in a calmer tone.

"Just do as I say and I can teach you how,"

I nodded my head.

Eren then cleaned his throat then began.

"I want you to just close your eyes and clear your head. Release any thought you may have and just focus on your breathing and my voice,"

I listened to him as I closed my eyes and did my best to clear my mind."What do I do now?"

Eren quickly shushed me. "Don't speak. It will make you lose concentration.

I groaned but listened to him as he went on.

"All I want you to do now is think of a name or even how they look and just focus on them. Then when your ready I want you to imagine blowing life into them and then when you feel their presents I want you too reopen your eyes,"

I took a deep breath then thought of a a girl with big brown eyes and hair with a huge appetite. I could feel my body begin to feel warm until I suddenly felt a presents beside me. I opened my eyes only to see the person I was hopping to see again.

"Auntie Sasha!" I yelped wrapping my arms around her when suddently she disapeared.

I looked to my dad for answers.

"You lost concentration. You must make sure to never loose your concentration while summoning people. If you can do this then you will be able to do what you want with this power."

I gave him a closed eyes smile. "Alright, I'll do this training of yours,"

Eren gave me a smile in return. "Then we'd better get started,"

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