15: ☆Alisa's past

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Luckily for us Queen Historia provided us with a few horse's so it would be more efficient and easier for us to travel.

"Kyle if you keep talking you'll end up biting your tongue,"

Kyle smiled at Tamara.

"Im not gonna b-," Kyle began before he yelled in pain.

"Told you dumbass," Tamara sighed at her twin.

I looked at the two in the corner of my eye and sniggered.

"Hey be careful, hold on tight or you'll fall off the horse,"Chris instructed me.

I yelped and held onto him tightly.


"Hey guys! That fancy woman left us some horses isnt she kind," Kyle said excitedly.

Tamara came over to us with nine horses.

"There isn't enough for all of us so some of us will have to share,"

Uncle Levi then walked over to the horses and got up onto one of them.

"Alright Ackerman and youngest brat take that horse," he said pointing to another horse.

Mikasa nodded and then sat on the horse with Haru infront of her.

Levi then looked to the others.

"Springer, Kirstein, Arlert and Leonhart, you will all get your own horses. The kids can share with the remaining horses," he ordered.

I walked over to Alisa but Ezra got there first and patted her shoulder.

"Wanna pair up?" He asked. Alisa nodded her head. "Sure why not,"

I then began to walk over to Tamara but Chris stopped me.

"H-hey Carla, do you wanna like ride with me?" He stuttered while placing a hand on the back of his neck.

I nodded and he smiled back.

Kyle and Tamara then looked at eachother in discust.

"Captain you can make me pair up with her," Kyle complained.

Uncle Levi just glared at them which sent shivers down their spines. They quickly got onto the horse and shut there mouths.

Chris was first to get onto our horse and he held a hand down to me. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up.

"Hold on to me tightly so that you dont fall off okay,".

I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head into his back.

"Hey Carla are you okay?" Chris asked me.

I gave him a small squeeze.

"I'm not a big fan of riding horses," I whispered.


"Carla if you're too scared you can sit infront of me, that way you have less of a chance of falling,"Chris said.

"Okay...," I mumbled back quietly.

Chris stopped the horse and then helped me move infront of him. I sat facing him and once I was sitting down properly I held onto him and put my head on his chest. I felt his heart speeding up so I brought my head away.

"If I'm making you uncomfortable you can just tell me you know," I said.

Chris smiled and put his chin onto the top of my head.

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