9: ☆Trials and Errors

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"Isabel Magnolia," I yelled. Then took a sharp quick breath before biting into my hand again. "Furlan Church,".

Smoke filled the area all around us.

As the smoke began to clear I saw two figures infront of me. A smile spread across my lips.

"I did it," I whispered.

My vision was begining to become cloudy and my legs were crumbling beneath me.

"Carla!" I heard someone yell and the sound of feet running towards me couod also be heard.

I let my eyelids shut as everything went dark.

I saw two people looked like they were fighting. It looked like they were only training. I recognise the brown haired one to be my father eren and the other looked to be my aunt Annie.
Annie easily sent Eren crashing onto the floor. "Hurts...Annie," Eren groaned when he crashed onto the ground. He quickly sat up. "There's this thing called consideration that you as a human are supposed to have...you know...,". Annie was quick to respond. "I want to throw those words right back at you, it's because you don't know how to throw back when you come at me that the collision is hard," she said. She layed the gun she was using onto her shoulder. "I'm not nearly as strong enough as you, And anyways if you consider yourself strongyou shouldn't go so easy on this weak body of mine,". "Huh!" Eren said in anger. "Your jokes aint funny you know, if you're not that strong then why the heck are you still standing while I'm still sitting on the ground," he said while standing up. Annie sighed then tossed her weapon onto the ground. She walked closer to Eren. "Well it's because of the technique I use, its different from what they use around here. Its not like I threw you using strength," she sighed. Eren looked at her in confusion as Annie got into her fighting position. "It won't hurt for you to know these kinds of moves too," she said. Eren then began to panic. " Alright i get it, Let's take a break," he said in fear. Annie didn't even bother waiting . she kicked Eren back and then got her head and one arm under Eren's right arm and had the other arm over his left shoulder. She then proceeded to turn and flip Eren over. They both landed on the floor as Annie made sure to keep the struggling Eren under her by choking him. "Annie.... I give up," Eren wheezed. "I give up do you hear," he repeated. "Give up, I don't need you to give up, I need you to learn how to use your strength and how to talk to girls," she hissed. Eren's face was turning red with the lack of oxygen he was getting. "I get it! I've memorised this move so let me go already!" He yelled. "Really? Want to learn more of the same?" She asked. Annie suddently looked up and saw what looked to be Uncle Reiner flying in their direction. Annie quickly got out of the way as Reiner landed ontop of Eren.

I sat up in the bed I was laying on.

"Big sis! " I heard someone yell as they wrapped their arms around me.

I smiled and patted their head.

"No need to be upset Im fine Haru," I said.

Ezra suddently ran in the door and glared at me.

"You need to stop fainting everytime you do something titan related. If you were to do that during a battle I won't help you," he snarled.

Chris came in after him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Give the girl a break will ya," he said.

Ezra groaned and then glared at me before leaving the room.

" He's not really mad, he's just worried about you. We were really scared when your cousins came in the door with you in their arms," he sighed.

"Did it work?" I said in worry.

Chris gave me a confused look.

"Did what work?" He questioned.

I sighed.

"Can you please just call my cousins," I pleaded.

As if by magic the twins came running in.

"You were amazing out there!" Kyle screeched giving me a big hug.

I looked to Tamara and she gave me a small smile.

"There's this red haired girl and another dude with Levi," I think they may be the ones you summoned if I'm correct, " She said.

I shoved Kyle off of me and got out of bed.

"Tamara take me to them,".

She nodded and walked out the door along side me.

I could hear the sound of chatter as we got closer to Uncle Levi's room. I didn't bother knocking on the door and I just burst right in.

The talking seemed to stop when I entered the room. I could see tears rolling down my uncles face as the two other familiar faces looked at me in curiosity. I didn't say a word as I ran to my favorite Uncle and hugged him. He gave me a quick hug back before I pulled away.

"Say bro, don't tell me this is your kid," Isabel said in excitment as she pulled me cheek

Levi pulled her hand away from my face.

"She's not my kid, she's the kid of one of my cadets," he said in his usual voice as if he hadn't been cry only a few minutes ago.

"She looks quite like you and she has those dull of yours but only a different colour," Furlan pointed out.

"And shes got your height," Isabel added in.

Both me and Levi glared at her.

"Say that again I dare ya," I hissed.

Isabel didn't seem bothered at all by our glares.

"So what's your name then kid," she asked.

"I'm Carla Yæger, daughter of Eren Yæger and Mikasa Ackerman," I said while saluting.

Isabel giggled as she gave Levi a nudge with her elbow.

"You sure you're not related bro, her mother has the same lastname as you," Isabel said in a sing song voice.

Levi sighed and didn't even bother answering Isabel.

I looked closely at Isabel and Furlan and noticed that they were beginning to fade away.

I cleared my throat loudly.

"Uncle Levi, I know this will be hard on you but it's time to say your goodbyes," I said in a soft voice.

Uncle Levi nodded and I left the room to give them some privacy. Tamara was still waiting for me outside the door.

"We need to go get changed, Uncle Jean is going to teach you how to use our ODM gear," she said.

I ran after her as we went back to our rooms to get changed.

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