2: ☆The truth

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The next morning Uncle Levi brought me to school.

"Don't cause anymore problems today," he said patting my head, then walked off.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the school, to my classroom. There were already people in the room. When they saw me they went quiet.

"She's such a freak," one kid whispered to the other.

I bowed my head and walked to my seat. All I could hear was the kids laughter behind my back.

"Careful she might murder us, I hear murder runs in her famly," the other kid sniggered.

I suddently felt a wave of anger crash over me and I turned to face them, A fire burning in my eyes. I didn't care what people said about me but I wouldn't allow anyone to put dirt on my family.

One of the kids stepped closer to me.

"What you gonna do girl, try murder us," they laughed. The other kids laughed along.

I curled my hand into a fist and punched them in the face. They wiped the blood from their nose.

"You little shit!" They yelled and punched me back.

The other kids joined in hitting me. Blood ran down the side of my face as I sat on the floor.

Suddently there was a loud scream and a girl pointed at my wound.

"S-she's a monster!" They yelled.

I touched my wound. It felt really wierd, like sticky and wet but it was disapearing. I brought my hand to my face and looked at the blood. It was turning into smoke, just like a titan. My eyes widdened in shock. Everything went quite. I stared at the blood evaporating before my eyes. No this couldn't be happening, they can't know the truth.

I felt someone pick me up. "You'll be okay," the muffled voice reassured me. I finally came back to my senses and saw who was carring me.

"U-uncle A-a-armin?" I stuttered.

He looked at me in shock.


When we got to the infirmary Uncle Armin sat me on a bed and checked me over.

"Please d-dont tell m-m-my mom," I begged.

He sat down on the bed beside me.

"Carla, were you able to talk the entire time?" He asked softly.

I nodded my head.

"Then why...?"

I looked at him in the eye.

"W-what's w-w-wrong with m-me?" I said.

"I'm not sure, but we can figure this out tomorrow. For now I think it's best you go home and rest,"

I nodded my head in response. Then he carried me on his back and took me home.

Mom was really confused when she saw me.

"Armin, what happened to her?" She questioned him.

"She... well, she got into a fight at school," he said.

I looked at him with pleading eyes. I didn't want anyone else to know that I could speak.

He sighed. "I'd better get back to school, ive got some kids to teach," he stammered.

I gave him a greatful smile as he ran back to the school. Mom shut the door and hugged me.

"Why are you always getting yourself into trouble," she sighed.

Later that evening

I sat by the table drawing in my sketchbook when there was a sudden knock at the door. Mom walked over and opened it.

"Is this the Jæger household?" The stranger asked.

"Yes, this is," mom replied.

"Is your daughter home?" They asked.

"What is it that you want with my child?!" She yelled

Two men pushed my mom to the side.

"Your daughter is under suspicion of being a titan shifter, there have been many reports about her healing unnaturally so we must bring her in for investigation purposes,"

The oneof the men walked over to me and picked me up, throwing me onto his shoulder. I struggled and kicked him as he walked toward the door.

"What are you doing?! Let her go, she isn't a titan shifter. The power was extinct by my Love's sacrifice!"

My mother screamed and struggled to get to me and i saw the agony in her eyes. I was terrified. I didn't know what they wanted me for and I was scared for my life. I kicked and struggled to get out of their grip. As soon as I got my hand free I bit into it.

"DAD HELP US!" I yelled.

There was a flash and i felt my eyes begging to feel heavy. Then everything went black.

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