18: ☆Revenge

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Haru's body was just swinging there in the breeze, still held up by his gear. I quickly changed direction and went straight to Haru, ignoring Connie yelling for me to come back. I grabbed Haru's body and landed onto the branch of a tree. Haru was looking at me terrified.

"B-big sis what's happening?" Haru cried in pain.

I held his body closer to me. Tears were making its way down my face.

"Just hold on for me will you...," I said softly.

Haru just looked at me.

"I'm scared big sis".

I placed my hand on his cheek and wiped away the tears flowing out of his eyes.

"D-didn't I say that everything will be alright, we'll be fine," I lied.

I didn't know if I was lying to him or just lying to myself.

"You promise big sis,"

I smiled through my tears and nodded. "Big sis will take care of you okay,".

Haru then coughed, blood sprayed out of his mouth. He held onto my hand tightly.

"I d-don't want t-to die yet......,"

Haru's grip slowly released as his hand fell to his side. I began to shake him in fear.

"Haru sweetie stay awake for me......please....," I begged.

I grabbed hold of his hand again and squeezed it hoping for a response. But I got nothing. Tears continued to pour down my face like waterfalls as I held Haru's lifeless body close.

"I'm sorry,"I whispered.

I held onto his body for a bit longer before I gently layed him down. I then took off my cloak and put it over him like a blanket.

"Just wait here I'll be right back okay,"

Getting up I could feel the anger crawling up my spine. I walked up to the edge of the branch only stopping to have one last look at Haru. Then jumped off with a battle roar biting into my hand. There was a sudden bright flash as I changed into my titan form. My pitch black hair blew in the wind gently. I remembered those last words Haru said. 'I don't want to die'. I clenched my fist in overwhelming anger. Some bitches are about to die tonight.

Connie pov

I saw as the young boy got sliced on the back by an unknown figure. Once I saw the kids body hanging I knew that there was nothing we could do. I had to stay on mission.

"Carla come on!" I yelled.

Carla looked at me and then at the young boy. Her eyes had a look of fear and disbelief in them.

"Carla we have to continue on!"

She ignored my yelling and went for the kid. I chased after her before I was stopped by an unknown person. The very same one who had slashed the boy. He rushed at me with his blades while I quickly blocked him.

"How could you kill a child," I hissed to then.

A male voice then replied coldly.

"He got in the way. The kids just collateral damage,"

I felt extremely angry with their comment and went to attack him back.

A few moments later I was shocked by a bright flash when suddently a huge hand punched the figure I was fighting. I knew that it was Carla once I saw her running past me, her eyes filled with rage. I trusted her to fight off the attackers while I went to find the boy.

I noticed his body laying on a branch and I landed next to him. I checked for a pulse and when I found none I knew he was dead.

"What kind of bastard kills a child," I muttered angrily.

I carfully picked up the young boy and headed back in the direction I was initially going.

Carla pov

I couldn't stop. I felt so much anger inside me. I just kept on killing and killing those bastards even when they begged for their lives, for once I didn't even care, Haru death was on their hand and they had to pay with their blood.

To me, I honestly think revenge tastes sweet.

Once I had killed all of them I just fell onto my knees and screamed. I screamed for all the anger I felt but mostly I was screaming in pain for I had lost my younger brother.

Then suddenly everything went black once more.

Levi pov

I could see Carla in a frenzy killing all those men and I knew there was nothing we could do to stop her in this state.

"Captain we need to go get her before she gets badly hurt," Mikasa cried out.

I held her back and looked away from the site before us.

"You know as well as I do that there is nothing that either of us can do for her right now,"

Mikasa looked at me and then turned away hesitantly from Carla.

I sighed and then glanced once more back at Carla before heading north of the forest with Mikasa tailing behind me.

Once we were back with the group there seemed to be a sad aura in the air.

"Hey brats whats happening here?" I asked.

Connie turned to face me with the young boy in his arms. I looked at him and he shook his head.

"I guess that explains why Carla shifted even though I specifically made her promise not to do so. So much for 'trust me'," I sighed.

We suddently heard a loud roar which shook the ground around us.

"Oh shit, I think that sound much too familiar," said Jean before there was a flash around us.

"Everyone get to the trees!" I Yelled.

Only a few of us landed on the branch while we looked below us where we saw four titans forming.

"Tsk, Not this crap again,"

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