Y3: Demented

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"Weasel, Potty, Mudblood and some hobo took our signature seats,"

Violet sat on the tattered blue seat of the Hogwarts Express reading a book called 'Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them ' by Newt Scamander. She looked out the window beside her. The sky was tar-black. There was a tapping on the window and then it became a pitter-patter. Violet loved the sound of rain especially when she was reading, it's a comforting background noise.

The door of the compartment slid open. Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle came in and sat on the opposite side of Violet with annoyed expressions.
"What happened this time?" Violet asked before closing her book.
"Weasel, Potty, Mudblood and some hobo took our signature seats," replied Draco as he crossed his arms.
"It's so unfair!" wailed Pansy as she crossed her arms, mimicking Draco.

"Ah, so that's why you're sitting with me," said Violet.
She reopened her book and continued reading when the train halted, making her book fall to the ground and close.
"Why is the train stopping?" asked Draco as he uncrossed his arms and clung to his seat for dear life.

Violet sighed and opened the door to see a few people doing the same. The train suddenly shook and caused her to fall back into her seat between Pansy and Crabbe.
"Merlin's beard!" yelled Draco, who was clearly startled.
"Do you think we've broken down?" asked Pansy in a panicked voice.
"I'm not sure," Violet responded.

The lights and AC went out and Pansy jumped out of her seat to cling onto Draco's side. The train started to turn incredibly cold. They saw a shadow outside the door that was now glazed with ice.
"Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming!" cried Pansy as she closed her eyes.
Draco pinched Pansy's shoulder causing her to shriek, "Ouch!"

The shadow slowly opened the door with a grey wrinkly looking hand that almost resembled a skeleton. A cloaked head that had smelly breath popped in and glanced around the compartment to see the five teens' scared expressions. The cloaked figure then closed the door and floated away.

"What on earth was that?!" shrieked Pansy, letting go of Draco.
"It looks like one of those things that guard Azkaban," Draco responded in a matter-of-fact tone.
"A Dementor?" Violet asked with one eyebrow raised.
"Yeah, a demented-tor-thingy," Draco shrugged.
The lights and AC flickered back on revealing their pale faces. The cold started to whisk away and the train started again.

"Are you guys planning on going to Hogsmeade?" Pansy asked to break the silence.
"Yeah, I think it's a bit stupid tho," Draco responded.
"No," Violet answered.
"Aw, why not?"
"I haven't got anyone to sign," Violet shrugged.
"You could've asked Mr Malfoy," Pansy said.
"Have you ever met my father?" Draco asked cooly, causing Violet to let out a chuckle, "He wouldn't even sign for me."


The train slid to a stop.
"Do you think it's still raining?" Draco asked hastily.
"Look out the window," Violet suggested.
"We best be going now, c'mon Draco," Pansy said as she pulled herself and Draco off their seats and out the door.

Violet slammed her book shut and stood up. She pulled out her bag from the rusty top rack and slipped the book inside. She swung the bag over her shoulder and opened the door of the compartment. The train hallways were filled with people rushing to get off the train. Violet made her way to the front and walked out into the pouring rain. Others cast spells to avoid the rain but Violet just put her hood up, not minding it too much.

Dozens of students waited in line for the carriages to pick them up. Since it was raining the teachers decided to magic a roof  over them. Every few seconds a carriage would pull up and take about 6 students at a time. When it was finally Violet's turn, she got into a carriage with Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Hannah Abbott, Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory.

The ride to from the train station to Hogwarts was the worst yet. Violet had to listen to Hannah, Ron and Cedric endlessly complain about the rain. The only people on the carriage she could actually tolerate was Harry and Hermione. Hermione and Violet were great friends, they had a lot in common. Harry and Violet had only spoken once or twice in the past, but it wasn't unbearable at least.


Violet sat at the Gryffindor table between Hermione and Ginny Weasley watching a bunch of second-years sing a song holding toads. It was a bit foolish, really. Nobody really seemed entertained. It reminded Violet of Primary School Christmas concerts.

Once they were done singing, Dumbledore stepped up to a golden eagle-shaped podium at the front of the room.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who kindly consented to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher post. And the spot of Care Of Magical Creatures teacher is taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid." Dumbledore announced. Chatter erupted across the great hall as soon as Dumbledore and stopped talking and everybody dug into their delicious meals.

After Dinner, everybody had retreated to their common rooms. The third-year Gryffindor boys stayed up until 11:30 laughing and eating candy. As for the girls, most of them fell asleep quickly.

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is a harryxfemoc book. I have something really good planned just wait. Votes and comments are appreciated!

-destany <3

REWRITE 17/02/2024:
I just realized the plot hole here as I was rewriting this chapter. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Lupin couldn't have taken Draco and Pansy's "signature seats" because they are in different houses, and on the hogwarts express, there is a different compartment/area for each house. So it wouldn't make since that their "signature seats" were in the Gryffindor section... but oh well! I'll fix it another time. And please don't click/tap out of this book because this is like the only plot hole, and it's not even a major one. I guarantee that if I didn't point it out, you wouldn't have noticed anyway 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️

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