Y4: Third Task

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TW: blo0d, possible triggering topics

"The boy's dead."

Violet, Ron and Hermione were supposed to be studying for their exams, which would finish on the day of the third task, but they were putting most of their efforts into helping Harry prepare.

"Don't worry about it," Violet said shortly when Harry pointed this out to them and said he didn't mind practicing on his own for a while, "at least we'll get top marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts. We'd never have found out about all these hexes in class."

"Good training for when we're all Aurors," said Ron excitedly, attempting the Impediment Curse on a wasp that had buzzed into the room and making it stop dead in midair.


Breakfast was a very noisy affair at the Gryffindor table on the morning of the third task. The post owls appeared, bringing Harry a good luck card from Sirius.

It was only a piece of parchment, folded over and bearing a muddy paw print on its front, but Harry appreciated it.

A screech owl arrived, carrying the morning copy of the Daily Prophet as usual. Hermione unfolded the paper, glanced at the front page, and spat out a mouthful of pumpkin juice all over it.

"What?" said Harry and Violet together, staring at her. "Nothing," said Hermione quickly, trying to shove the paper out of sight, but Ron grabbed it. He stared at the headline and said, "No way. Not today. That old cow."

"What?" said Harry. "Rita Skeeter again?"
"No," said Ron, and just like Hermione, he attempted to push the paper out of sight.

"Hey, Potter! Potter! How's your head? Are you feeling all right? Sure you're not going to go berserk on us?" Draco shouted across the Great Hall from the Slytherin table.

"Let me see it," Harry said to Ron. "Give it here."
Violet snatched the paper away from Ron, handing it to Harry.

Harry turned it over and found himself staring at his own picture, beneath the banner headline:


The boy who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is unstable and possibly dangerous. Alarming evidence has recently come to light about Harry Potter's strange behaviour, which casts doubts upon his suitability to compete in a demanding competition like the Triwizard Tournament, or even to attend Hogwarts School.'

"Well that isn't that bad," Violet shrugged.
"Yeah. A bit disappointing really," Ron agreed.

An odd, dreamy expression suddenly came over Hermione's face. She slowly raised a hand and ran her fingers through her hair.
"Are you all right?" said Ron, frowning at her.
"Yes," said Hermione breathlessly. With that, Hermione seized her school bag and dashed out of the Great Hall.

"Oi!" Ron called after her. "We've got our History of Magic exam in ten minutes! Blimey," he said, turning back to Harry, "she must really hate that Skeeter woman to risk missing the start of an exam. What're you going to do in Binns's class - read again?"
"S'pose so," Harry said to Ron; but just then.

Professor McGonagall came walking alongside the Gryffindor table toward him.
"Potter, the champions are congregating in the chamber off the Hall after breakfast," she said.

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