Y5: Distasteful Summer

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TW: Swears, mentions of murder

"Violet, I'm serious. You know what's happening next year,"

Violet's summer had been quite distasteful. Ever since The Dark Lord returned, all his followers practically lived in the Malfoy Manor. Violet couldn't leave her room without being greeted by a death eater. They wouldn't strike up conversations with her or anything, they just gave her dirty looks.

She had gotten countless letters from her friends. Ron, Hermione (using Harry's Owl), Lavender, Pansy, lots from Daphne, but mainly from Harry. Every letter from Harry, Ron and Hermione was 50 words long or less. Violet counted each time.

Lucius was more irritable than usual. He'd been very harsh on Narcissa. He would yell at her for absolutely no reason at all. 

Speaking of Narcissa, she'd been very tired lately. She was always awake before everyone else and went to bed after everyone else. She had dark circles under her eyes and didn't engage in too many conversations. Violet didn't really know what was going on with her. 

Violet had been hanging out with Draco much more than usual. Draco suddenly seemed like good company to keep. Since Cedric died, Draco had been much more affectionate towards his cousin (not in an Alabama way)

Violet had actually convinced Draco to read her favourite muggle book! Draco HATED muggle books. Or maybe just books in general. 

Draco's friend, Theodore Nott, had been coming over every other day for a few hours. Everyone just called him Theo. His parents were both death eaters. He was a nice guy, he just smoked way more than he should. Violet often worried about his health. Violet worried about him a lot. He did a lot of brave and dangerous things. Total daredevil. 

Draco was convinced that Violet had a crush on Theodore Nott. Whenever Draco brought it up, Violet, of course, denied it. Violet couldn't have a crush on him, she had Harry. 

Speaking of Harry, he'd been distant lately. The last letter Violet got from him had precisely 50 words. Harry claimed that was all he was allowed to send and that he was sorry. Apparently, he'd used magic to defend himself and his cousin from a dementor and got expelled from Hogwarts. He had a hearing at the Ministry of Magic in a few days.

Violet wasn't worried. If it were anybody else, maybe she would be. But it was Harry Potter. They needed him at Hogwarts. Dumbledore was supposed to be at Harry's hearing. Dumbledore would protect him. Dumbledore had a thing for Harry. There was no chance they'd expel him... right?

Violet was a little confused about her and Harry's relationship. They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend officially. They only kissed once. Did Harry feel uncomfortable kissing her? Was Violet a bad kisser? Had Harry's feelings for her diminished just like that? Maybe Violet was the one who lost feelings. Shouldn't she care that her best friend had gotten expelled? 

Her thoughts were interrupted by Draco sneaking in. Violet looked up from her book. He wore his classic black suit and his hair was slicked back as usual. Hopefully, he just had multiple black suits and wasn't re-wearing the same one every day. 

Draco sat next to her on the bed. She gave him a questioning look before saying, "I thought you were at the meeting,". It was more of a question than a statement.

"Got boring after a while so I snuck out," He shrugged.
"Look at you, all rebellious," Violet chuckled.

Draco gave her a quick smile before his face became a more serious expression, "Y'know you should come to the next meeting. Father's getting rather pissed off," Draco suggested.
"He's always pissed off," Violet said, fiddling with a strand of her hair.

"Violet, I'm serious. You know what's happening next year," Draco said, referring to Violet having to get the dark mark.

"Chill, Mom's not here so it's not gonna happen," Violet said, roughly opening up her book.

Draco snatched Violet's book, earning a "Hey!" from her and a hit on the shoulder.
"Take something serious for once. This isn't a joke," he said.
Violet scoffed, "Yeah coming from you," she said, taking her book back and whacking Draco's upper arm with it.

"Vi!" Draco whines, rubbing his arm.
Violet rolled her eyes and opened her book.
"Ugh, you ass!" He said, still whining.

"Can you like- I don't know, maybe get out of my room now?" Violet said, not sparing him a glance.

Draco ignored her and continued on with their previous conversation, "Can you at least come to the next meeting so I don't have to be alone?" 
"No. Get out," Violet said, pointing towards the door.
He muttered a "Fine" and stood up. 

Draco sighed before leaving the room, frustrated by his cousin's inability to see reason. 

In truth, Violet was scared. What if she did end up getting the mark? What would Harry think? What would the rest of her friends think? What would Draco think? What would Cissa think?

Whatever. Violet was smart. She'd figure it out. Plus, she wasn't even sure if it would happen, considering her mom made that deal and her mom is currently in Azkaban. Nobody has ever broken out of Azkaban (other than Sirius Black) so Bellatrix would probably rot away and Violet would never see her again. 

The Dark Lord and his followers didn't seem too keen on breaking the rest of the death eaters out of Azkaban. They had better things to do anyways. 

To define better; killing random muggles, planning stupid ways to kill Harry Potter, finding strange new torture methods (don't be dirty-minded), guarding a cellar that they never really put anyone in, and the list goes on.

Now that Draco was gone, Violet could finally go back to her reading. She didn't need to worry about a guy who she wasn't even gonna see for a couple of weeks.

A/N: 09/04/23
Happy Easter! Sorry for taking so long to publish this. I've rewritten this chapter WAYY too many times. I've been working on it since February 20th. I really appreciate everyone's patience.  

Also, I won't be adding TWs for swears anymore because it's gonna be pretty much scattered throughout this book, and I doubt anyone really minds. 

I feel bad for making you guys wait this long, so I'll work on the next chapter right now. Cya later, and have a glorious rest of your day!

-Destany :)

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