Imagine #1

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My first image ajjsjsjh


All my Imagines will say "me' bc saying "you" is way to hard for me to remember and it will end up all being a bunch of jumbo.


Cameron has really been acting weird. He hadn't been sleeping in the same bed. Hasn't kissed me in days. Didn't even look at me for like the past few days. I'm starting to feel like he doesn't love me anymore. I feel tears coming. At the moment we were watching movies with the boys and a few other girls. I suddenly walk out of the room in tears. Cameron didn't care. Cameron Alexander Dallas doesn't care. That kept repeating in my head over and over again.

"Babe!" Someone yells. I turn around to see Cam in tears.

"What" I say crying

"What's wrong baby?!" He came running to me.
"Why have you been ignoring me the last couple of days? Do you know how much you mean to me? Do you know how much I love you? Do you how much that hurt?. DO YOU... CAMERON DO YOU??" I yell punching him on the chest. He was crying and trying to hold me but I was just to hurt. He kept rubbing my back and holding tight I just kept punching and kicking till I fell on my knees. Then the guys came out. Johnson picked me up from the ground thinking Cameron had hit me. "Wtf Cameron" Gilinsky yelled as he pushed Cam with this hand. Cam just looked at me like if I was dead. I gulped. Johnson kept hugging me. The tighter the hugged me the more I cried. Idk Wtf was going on. Cam looked so broken. I felt bad. I love him, I can't see him hurt like this.

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now