imagine #12

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"Cam happy birthday wake up"
"Nooo I just want to stay here" he groans as he holds my waist tighter.
"Please gilinsky texted me and said they're all going to be here in an hour. We still need to shower and get ready. Come on cams"
"No! I want to stay like this forever!" He said like a stubborn like kid. Ah ha. Idea!
"Cameron. Can. You. Please. Get. Up" I say kissing his toned body. Seeing him tense was so funny.
"You know how I get when you call me Cameron" he replies hungrily.
"Mhm. But only with one condition baby. You have to get up and get ready. Deal.
"Aye there's the birthday boy. We thought you went down the drain." I hear Sammy say from the living room.
"Yeah hey man" I hear Cameron mumble.
"Bro she's in the kitchen. Gosh just ask. You look so desperate. No hurry. Your birthday isn't over yet buddy boy." Said Nate with a wink and a smirk from Nash and Johnson.
I walk into the living room. "Hello" I tap on cams shoulder.
"Hey. " he whispered in my ear.
"Look your family is hear." I say waking away.
"Mom. How nice to see you. Sierra omg girl you is adorable." I hear Cameron talk like a girly girl.
"Time to blow the candles"
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Cameron. Happy birthday to youuuuuu!!!!!" We all sang.

"I'm so tired. I'm glad you had fun for you're birthday Cameron" I smirk as I get under the covers ready to sleep.
"Oh no so fast. You remember our deal"
"No actually I don't. Do you mind reminding me" I laugh as Cam tickles me.
"If course baby. But... Let me close the door first." He winked

thanks for the reads. means a lot.
I'm going to try to start making part 2's that were requested. :) I love you all. hope you have a great day. Go show Cam that birthday love today. Bye. ❤❤❤

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