Twitter / Requested

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"Hey what's with all those tweets" Nash says as were were all gathered around the table.
"Sounds like someone has a crush" Sammy beams
"Or she's being a girl" Matthew teased.
"I don't know." I went on Twitter and tweeted [its hard being the only girl here. Cus on one understands the feels] As soon as they all got the notification of my tweet they all looked at me in complete anger.
"Wow." skate sighed
"What the fuck does that mean? Huh? Are we not good enough for you??"
"Why are y'all being like this. It just means I need a girl best friend because y'all are all dudes and I just need a girl point of view for once" I said quietly.
"You like cam don't you" gilinsky smirked.
"Uhm. No why?" Shit.
"Because... Oh look at the time we gotta go" he looked at the boys and some got up to leave some stayed.
"Bye?". I said confused
"Nash I'm tired" I say as he tries making eye contact.
"You can sleep in my room" I nod and head there.

When I woke up I decided to check twitter
[Sammy Wilk: she likes you man. make a move.]
[Nash Grier: dude your to fucking blind]
[Jack Johnson: hahaha you're stupid lol good luck bud]
[Jack Gilinsky: wow okay. do I have to spell it out for her.]
[Kenny Holland: dammmm the moment someone likes my man he doesn't even know lmfao]
[Trevor Moran: even gays see the say she feels haha you flop]
[Skate: get your girl moron]
[Derek Luh: she wants you. she wants you. she wants you. go to her. !!!]
[Lohanthany: i ship this so bad. they'd make a bomb ass couple. cough.]
[Andrea Russet: dumb boys. can't take a hint.]
[Mahogany: CAN HE NOT SEE?!?! OMG]
And a bunch of other tweets i'm confused. Did I miss something??
I kept scrolling .. until I saw a tweet that caught my eye.
[Cameron Dallas: hahah I don't get twitter today?? Did I miss something??]
i tweeted at him.
[@camerondallas same. i slept for 3 hours and I feel like I missed so much. idk ??]
i heard a beep he texted me.
Cam: I'm confused.
Me: same uh
Cam: everyone is acting weird
another beep.
Nash: we all know you like cam and he likes you.
Me: is that what twitter is about. y'all are dumb. he doesn't like me.
Nash: whatever. just keep texting him
Me: how did you know I was texting him???
Nash: I made him ... Gtg bye. Good luck love birds
Me: omfg stop lol
Nash: byeee
uhhhhh oh. Cam. Forgot to answer. Shit
Me: I know.
Cam: okay so I've been meaning to talk to you.
Me: about?
Cam: me and you
Me: what about us?
Cam: I like you
I probably stared at that text for 7 minutes
Me: well..
Cam: omg I knew this was gonna happen. I'm sorry for that . I gtg. I'm sorry. If you want to stop talking to each other forever I'm okay with that. I'm sorry
Me: cameron?
Cam: yes?
Me: I like you too.
Cam: REALLY?!??!
Me: yes
Cam: I'm coming over right now !!
Me: okay :)
Cam: ;) thank you for not making me look like a fool
Me: welcome cute
Cam: I'm here babe

idk comment if you liked

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