imagine #32

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The boys were over and we're watching the emas. Their all dancing and shit. Then Harry fucking styles came out. Everyone immediately sat down. As soon as cam was about to change it I turned around
"Change it and you'll see" I went and sat on his lap. I'll admit I was crying into his chest. Harry is my life.
"Why are you crying??" He says worried.
"Omg are you crying because of Harry Styles awe that's cute" Johnson.
"Shut up. Yes I'm crying because of Harry. He's a god for fuck sake! Nsjsjsksks and I meet him in two days" I dramatically faint into cams face.
He got up. I could tell tell he's mad.
"Is cammy mad?" Asked Grayson.
"Shut up" cam spat from a chair.
"Guys it's time to leave. Their about to fight and I'm not gonna handle it. Bye see y'all tomorrow" they all leave.
"Why are you mad?"
"Stop don't talk to me. Go ask Harry the god to be your boyfriend"
"Babe" I whine.
"No don't" he stomped away
"Why are you so jealous? I'm just being a fangirl. It's what I do" I giggle.
"Because I'm your boyfriend. And I'm sure any boyfriend would be mad if their girl called another guy their god"
"Whooooah I never called him my god. I said he is a god. Not MY god."
"Same shit"
After letting cam sleep. I walked upstairs and cuddled up close to him. He opened his eyes and put his arm around my waist.
"Hey" he breathed out camly.
"Hello" I say nervously.
"Sing something to me. Your voice is so beautiful."
I smirk. Hahahahha " Come here rude boy, boy
Can you get it up
Come here rude boy, boy
Is you big enough
Take it, take it
Baby, baby
Take it, take it
Love me, love me" he chucked deeply. He leaned in.
"Don't even think about it Dallas I'm not done."... "Litsen. Listen to the lyrics baby."

"It's like, he doesn't hear a word I say
His mind is somewhere far away
And I don't know how to get there
It's like all he wants is to chill out
Makes me wanna pull all my hair out
Like he doesn't even care
You, me
We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain
You can drive me insane
But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars
We're like different stars
But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing
Why does he try to read my mind?
It's not good to psychoanalyze
That's what all of my friends say
You, me
We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain
You can drive me insane
But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars
We're like different stars
But you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing"

"I love you and yes Harry is a god. But with you. I forget about everyone and everything and focus on you. I'm not even sure it's healthy but I just can't help it. You make me crazy. I honestly don't understand how everyone can see how much I love you but you don't. You make me cry, laugh, smile, you bring out the best in me. But most importantly you make me live life like it's the last day. Your smile saves lives. Your fans adore you. I adore you. I don't fucking know what I would do without you." I could feel cam about to open his mouth.
"Shut up Dallas let me finish gosh. Your annoying and immature. Sometimes I just wanna punch your face until it's dented inward. Sometimes your so hot I just wanna fuck you. Oh Lord. Sometimes your a frat boy and it's so stupid. I hate how you make me feel. I hate how you know me so well. I hate how your hot. Okay. Point is that I fucking love you. And I aint ever gonna stop bitch. Thank you for everything Cameron Dallas, your the best boyfriend anyone can ask for." I say blushing. I haven't looked up at him since I got up here. I look up and cam just stares at me in awe.
"Are you gonna kiss me or what?!?" I yelled making him jump.
"Gesh woman. I was about to. Way to ruin the mood"
"Sorry". Stupid loser.

I get a notification from Twitter. Cam tweeted at me.

" @Y/T/N you cutie. you were so nervous you didn't even look up for like 15 min. anyways I recorded you. I wanted everyone to see how much you care about me. I love you too much baby. *Twitter link to video*"

"@camerondallas fuck you dallas. I love you. "

"I love you cam"
"And I love you"

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now