imagine #29

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today we're hanging at the jacks house. One of gilinskys sister has a kid and they have to babysit. And me being the only girl in our "squad" they called me for help. Thanks god I don't have a boyfriend because honestly I give these boys so much unneeded attention.
"Hey manwhores I'm here!" I yell.
"Thank goodness she's giving us attitude!" Johnson said.
"Hey" I say to what seemed to be a teenage 10 year old girl.
"Hello. I'm Lauren" she says seeing that I'm a girl. I saw her face light up. Awe.
"Can we go get food? I'm starving" Sammy blurts
"Fat ass" I muttered.
"Huh? What was that you?" He says coming up to me.
"Me? Never. I love you." I say dramatically. He pushed me on the ground and sits on my back.
"Holy. What do you eat. Get off me wilk!!! You're not as light as you think you are!" I yelled.
"No can do I'm a fat ass, like you said yourself. Plus your ass isn't that bad and I have a pretty nice view" he says slapping my butt.
"Samuel! I can't breathe!" I tried squirming around but no use. Sam wasn't even moving. Then I felt his weight off me. I turned to see Cameron carrying Sammy like a bride.
"Awe look how cute you guys look." Nate yelled.
"Thanks." I hugged cam.
"Gassssssppppppp is that Nasheeerrr. Babbeeeeeeeeeee whhhheeerrrrreeee wweeeerrreeeeeeeee yyyyooouuuu shhhhiitttt heeeaaaddddd" I jump on him. Like one of those cute meet and greet pictures.
"I've been you know....." He said awkwardly
"I don't care Nash your back. I miss your stupid ugly face." I say pinching his cheeks. He sets me down.
"Wait???? Why do you always call Nash babe and the rest of us shit heads" Matthew pouts.
"Because Machu when I call Nash babe he doesn't make a big deal about it" I wink at him.
"What do you mean?" Mate said with a smirk.
"Watch." I say walking to cam who was on his phone. "Cam. Babeeeeee. I need a hug"
"S-sure wait? Did you say babe. What about manwhore or shit head?" He said smiling.
"See. I don't know. Nash is just cool I guess"
"Awe thanks cutie" he says hugging my face.
"Anyways. Lauren how about we ditch these boys to go to the mall" I said and she got up.
"Sounds like a great plan" she smiled.
"Guys. Bye" heading to the door.
"Wait we're going with" Nathan shouted.
"Uh point is to ditch you all" I said in a 'duh' tone.
"We won't bother you. We'll even take different cars" I simply nodded
We were outside were they were selling some cute chinese bracelets. Then I see Mark. Fuuuuccckkk.
"Hey beautiful"
"What do you want Mark." I said
"Well I know you're not taken plus a slut like you can't even stay with one guy"
"Hey babe." Cam comes and hugs me from behind.
"WHat??" Mark says surprised.
"Weve been dating for 4 months. Now if you keep standing there and insulting my girlfriend then we're gonna have a problem. So I suggest you leave!" Cam shouts
"Fine. But before I leave" he grabs my faces and kisses it harshly. Cam punches him in the face. Johnson tried pulling me back. Mark was on the ground trying to run away. But Cameron just wasn't letting that happen. Cam was starting to choke him. I knew then that I had to do something about it.
"Cam don't! Let him go!" I yelled but cam ignored me. I walked directly up to him and pressed my lips on his. He dropped Mark and I heard the boys push him away. I broke away from the kiss blushing.
"Your cute when you blush" he says while smirking.
"I'm not cute nor blushing" I fight back.
"You know its okay to admit I'm a good kisser."
"Shut up" I brought my lips up to his again. I feel a flash and people laugh. We brake away to see all the boys taking pictures/videos

Hello. I haven't been active. Because honestly I'm a lazy ass and a huge procrastinator. Hahaha but yeah I updated twice today. Comment. I always enjoy talking to you guys.

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