Imagine #2

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Cameron was such a great best friend. He knew exactly what to say when I'm sad. He knows everything about me. Whoever ends up with him is a lucky human.


I had a test in speech and debate. Cam had been helping me out for a week now. He told me everything is going to be okay but I'm to scared.

"Hey" cam came up to me.

"Hi hi" I replied with a nervous expression.

"Youll be fine" he hugged me and left. Well crap. I can't do this.


After everyone had gone it was my turn. Here goes nothing.

"What is love? Is it superficial? I'm here to argue, no, love is not superficial. Everyone looks for someone with specific looks. Whether you admit it or not. It seems like everyone seems to pay attention in look. What matters in in the inside. That warn kind person is what your looking for. Not some handsome blue eyes boy with a cold heart. Now ladies and gentlemen. My question to you is... Is love superficial?" With that I was done with my speech.


After class Josh (my crush) came up to me. Oh. What do I say. Ahhbsjs.

"Hey" he whispered in my ear

"Hi" I say nervous

"Wanna ditch" he says slipping his hand up the back of my shirt then back down to my butt.

"I-uu-uh idk" I shift to face him with a good amount of space between us.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't" I shake my head

"Why? Don't tell me that your dating anyone bc I know your not"

As soon a he said that Cam came.

"Hey babe" he said wrapping his hands on my waist. Josh just walked away in disgust. I turn to cam.

"Uh what was that?" His hands still on me.

"I heard the conversation. I started to get mad at the way he touched you but I wanted to know what his intention was. And then I decided to come and hug you. I hope you don't mind" he said letting me go.

"Not at all" I giggle

"Wanna ditch" he said mimicking Josh.

"Depends" I smirk. Soon enough cams  lips crash into mine.

"Depends on what?" He told me holding my hips and yanking me towards him.

"D-ddepends if you do that again" I say stuttering.

"What's wrong? Left speechless" a slight smirk is placed on his face. I just blush. My face is litterly burning.

Cam spinned me and kissed me hard. So hard he made my lip sore from my braces. Eww I know braces, oh well.

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now