duet with shawn/ requested

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My voice is hurting. I just shake it away.
"Whats wrong" shawn says worried.
"My throat hurts" I say with a very raspy voice.
"Just try your best. Well be in here for a week. Hopefully you'll be better."
"I hope". I smile
Me and shawn have been in the little booth for 2 hours and 13 min. I got a text from cam saying he's on his way. Meanwhile shawn is helping me with my vocals.
Cam enters the booth with a chair. He sits on it and places me on him. I can't afford to be distracted so I go along with the flow. Shawn was teaching me a breathing exercise.
"Shawn" my voice is leaving.
"How about I do my part and just try humming to it."
"Okay" I mouthed. While Shawn is exercises I see a group a boys come in.
"Can you go outside the booth and stay with them. Me and shawn are almost done" I whisper.
"Sure baby" cam smiled and kissed my cheek.
"You ready" shawn asked.
"Yeah" I take a sip of my water bottle as the song start to play, ignoring the pain my throat is giving me.

"Hey guys" I say to Aaron, Matthew, the Dolan twins, Jake, Chris and the Jacks. I got a reply of 'hey' s
"Is that your girl?" Jake asked.
"Yeah. She's doing a duet with shawn. But at the moment her voice is almost gone. She's having through pains."
"Dam cam why'd you have to make her scream that bad?" matt said. I blushed
"chill dallas were joking" they laughed. We settle down hearing them sing.
"They're amazing" gilinsky whispered
"Yeah they are"

"I know" we both finished singing
"What should we call this song?" Shawn says
"What about.. I know what you did last summer? You know since its what we mostly sing!" I laughed
"Dude okay haha" he chuckled
"Did you just dude me?!!!!?" I yelled
"N-no what me??" He got scared
"Awe shucks shawnie didn't mean to scare you buddie" I cooed
"You make it sound like I'm a dog"
"A very cute one" I stated joking
"Stop!" He yelled trying to contain his laughter. Which ended up bad because we laughed our asses off.
"Well thanks for doing this with me. See you tomorrow" Shawn hugged me and left the booth.
"Of course, your a wonderful singer. See you" I was putting on my cardigan as cam came in.
"Hey" he breathed
"Hi" I sang
"U-uhm you did good out there. You sounded cool- I mean your voice is amazing" he kept rambling.
"Thank you but stop." I blushed
"Lets go home" he yawned
"Sounds like a plan" we hugged. When we pulled apart we just stood there admiring each other's smiles

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