Imagine #1 part 2

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Johnson was still cradling me like a baby. Everyone was in the living room with us and Taylor forced the girls that were there to leave. He said it's a family matter. When he said it that filled my heart. I kissed his cheek. "Tay Tay put your pjs on and go to sleep" I felt like such a mom. He obeyed my orders and did what he was told. They were all in a line bc I was the responsible one. Kinda like their mom. I sent all of them to bed. Now it was me Cameron, Johnson, Gilinsky and Aaron. "I love you 'mom'!" Aaron tells me kissing my head. And heads to his room.

"Long ass day" Gilinsky sighs.

Thoughts of tonight keep repeating. The hurt inside me eventually turned into anger. But i need to keep it in. Gilinsky headed to bed "if he does anything shout my name. I won't let him hurt you again" he whispered. Johnson kept me calm. I look at the corner of my eye and see Cameron sleeping. Why do I have to love this boy so much? He's so cute. I can't stay mad at him. Gosh I love him. My eyelids get heavy and my body is being lifted. What is Johnson doing. He dropped me off next to sleeping Cameron. "Goodnight, remember he loves you, see you tomorrow" he kissed my nose. Cameron wrapped his arm around me. His touch made me shiver. He was so warm. Crap I miss this. "I love you" cam whispers to my hair. "I love you too" I say facing him. Tears start to fall. "Babe I'm so sorry. Please don't cry" he said almost crying. "Why do I even love you?" "Bc this...." He pressed his lips on mine. "Oh yes" I say kissing him which makes him smile. "And yes that's the sugar"


Idk if I'll do more

Sorry this one sucked

I tried my best

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