imagine #25

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"CAMERON" I grunt. My back hurts and jaxx keep trying to push me off the bed. "Yes babe" he finally gets out of the bathroom. But as soon as he did jaxx pushed me one last time and I fell off.
"BABE!" Cameron runs to mr trying not to laugh.
"Ouw. Cam it hurts stop laughing" I said seriously. Didn't work cus he kept laughing. "Baby I'm sorry" he tries apologizing.I give him the cold shoulder. I grab my pillow and sleep on it. I'm just going to sleep. My back hurts beyond belief. I don't know why.
"Baby I'm sorry don't be like that"... "What were you going to say?" He says sweetly
"My back hurts but you just thought that was hilarious." I mumble into the pillow.
"I'm sorry baby"
"Don't be. I'll just go find someone who's mature enough to be my new boyfriend"
"Oh really?" He says shooken up my comment.
"Yeah like skate. He's pretty chill."
"Fine have fun with skate"
I hurry up and explain to skate the situation

Skathan: no can't do baby cams one of my homies. Sorry
Me: please. I'll do anything for you.
Skathan: maybe
Me: just for a little while. just enough to make him mad :( he made me sad so I want payback. Please skathan. I'll hook you up with Larissa. I know you like her ;b come on fam
Skathan: okay okay chill the fuck out homes. what do you wanna do?
Me: I'll just flirt with u. invite the all the guys over to hang that way it's not awkward. Thanks babe :D
Skathan: okay. haha shut up you can't flirt haha. but whatever I can see with it :) see you in 20

I smiled at his text. Loser. I didn't even see cam get to the other side of the couch.
"When did you get here???".
"A few seconds ago. But you wouldn't know that because you were smiling at your phone" he says mad. He's to fucking cute nsjsksk.
"I was texting skate hah." He tensed up the sound of one of his hot friends names came out of my mouth.
"Oh." Oh really cam.
"The fam is coming" I state
"When??" He asked kinda relieved
"In a like 20" he nods

"So what made you so mad that you need revenge?? And why me??" Stupid boys.
"Because my back hurts and when I got pushed out of the bed by jaxx he laughed. Oh and I'm most comfortable with you. Plus your better looking than the rest of my other choice. And your not taken. Wouldn't wanna start shit with anybody's girl" he takes in all the facts I'm laying down.
"Ahhh your a smart young one" he smirks. Maybe not so stupid boy.
"But really this far because he laughed at you" I lift up my shirt and turn around exposed my back which was bruised. It looked disgusting, purple and all around fucked up. It looked like someone just ran me over.
"Wtf. Who did this? Cam? Tell me now?? Why haven't you showed me sooner??? Who's ass do I kick?? Does cam know???" He bombarded me with questions. I cover up his mouth. Signaling him to shut up nate stops talking.
"Cam didn't do this and definitely doesn't know. I would have showed u sooner but I don't know" I whispered.
"Shit. Who did it?? Why haven't you told cam???" He asked.
"Uhm I knew he would react like this" I say at the verge of tears.
"Who did this to you???" He sternly demanded an answer.
"Skate" I warned
"No tell me"
"I'll tell you later I promise" I lied
"Okay." He thinks about it. He picks me up "wrap your legs around me stupid" I do as told. He hugs me at first. Then he starts gently rubbing my back.
"Cams looking. Shits going down man" he says as cam pulls skate into a room and of course me as well because I was on him.
"Can you please stop acting childish?? And skate can you let go of my girlfriend"
"Don't let me go. I can't tell him right now" I whispered in skates ear. He nods.
"I would but you have to tell him sooner or later" he states.
"What are you talking about" I get off skate and face cam.
"You're stupid cam. She's hurting. Look at her back. Lay down oh the bed with your face down. Cam look" skate pulls on cam.
"Do it" cam says as skate pulls my shirt up.
"Please don't skate" fuck fuck fuck "baby" cam says upset.
"No don't cam. It's nothing" as soon as I said that both touched it making me whimper in pain. I immediately started crying.
"Look at me" skate turns me around.
"Talk to him. I'll get all these people out of here. I'll talk to you later beautiful. Later cam text me" he bro hugs cam and leaves.
"Yeah man. Thanks " cam replies to skate. "Shit baby. I'm sorry I laughed at you this morning. I'm so fucking sorry. Who did this??" Idglzfl I can't tell him
"I can't. I can't." I say.
"No baby. No. Please tell me." He begged. I take a deep breath.

Aye fam here's an update.
I'm so tired rn.
But on a good note I maybe get my braces off next week. Fkgzlgx ✌✌
I love you
Gotta jet ✌

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now