Imagine #5

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Cameron is wonderful. And I love him dearly but when he drinks or if I say something that makes him mad he takes it out on me. He gets very violent. I'm scared one of these days he won't be able to control himself.

"Babe!!" He yells


"I'm so sorry, I don't understand why? It's just I get so mad, you know I don't mean to hurt you" he was in tears

"Oh Cameron" I peck him on the lips

"Lets sleep"

"Why so early?" I asked

"Because the boys will be here tomorrow for breakfast"


*next morning*

"What have I fucking told you ever single time. The boys will be here soon and I don't want them to hear us argue about this bull crap your trying to pull with me. In fact I don't even know why I ever wanted you. Your such a worthless piece of shit, who's probably just here for my money. Or my friends. Gosh. I fucking hate you. Why do you have to exist. I don't know what God was thinking when he created you. 'I'm going to make her different. She's going to be here sluttiest of them all' wow. I swear I wanna fucking shove this whole house up your ass. In fact I just want you gone. I want you dead."

And with that he yelled at me. Until he jumped on me and started hitting me in the face. He stood up as he laughed and kept kicking my ribs. He stopped and turned around. I thought I was going to die. He turned around and kept hitting me until he got tired. I took all the strength in me and ran to the door u unlocking it and ran out. My clothes all ripped. My face swollen. And blood coming from all different directions. The boys ran to me. I'm in so much pain. I saw dark afterwards.


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