meeting Justin Bieber imagine/ Requested

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Praying to meet Justin like....
"Guysssssss!!". I walk out to the living room to the boys. I walk up to cam rolling his eyes.
"She's meeting Justin today" says cam annoyed.
"STOP BEING MAD. BE HAPPY FOR ME. IVE BEEN A BELIEBER SINCE 2009. THIS IS MY DREAM" I screamed kissing all over cams face. I honestly don't know how he does it. I bet I'm the craziest girlfriend ever.
"Well I leave soon so later" I said prancing to my room.

**1 hour later.
"Bye guys." I waved off. But before I could leave cam smashed his lips onto mine. He was harsh. He does that when he's mad.
"Someone's jealous" shouted Taylor.
"Don't have too much fun. Remember your mine" he whispered.
"Dam you look hot" my best friend Sally. "Justin is gonna wanna you" she said smirking.
"Oh hush" I blushed.

After show. Heading to my meet and greet. I'm meeting jb .
"Hey baby" Justin greeted me with a hug.
"Holy fuck hello" I jump on him.
"Your so cute" he laughed.
"Your laugh ugh. Save me" I say smiling at him.
"Your to fucking cuuute. Just wanna take you home and cuddle with you." He blushed.
"And I wanna kiss you. But I guess we want things that might not happen" I say looking down. I felt a pair of lips on mine. Justin is an amazing kisser. We were making out by now and it hit me. I'm dating cam. I cheated. Shit.
"Fuck" I muttered.
"Your a great kisser." He shyly smiled.
"This is a dream. Slap me so I wake up"
"No silly. This is real" he laughed.
"Your even cute in my dream what the hell" I said.
"It's not a dream princess"
"Well shit I just cheated on Cameron" I said bluntly looking into his eyes.
"Oh well I hope you don't regret it. Here's my number. Call me babe" he handed me a card and kissed my cheek. With that the man I fangirl about just walked away. Holy shit.
"Hey baby. How was the concert?"
"Amazing. Just is wonderful like always" I smiled. Should I tell him???

Should she tell him? Comment.

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