allergic/ requested

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I'm hanging out with Nash and a couple of other friends in nashs apartment. We started off having a movie night then a slumber party and now some of them are smoking. Cameron left to go drop off his dogs at our apartment, because if they take a poop in nashs house, he'll flip shit.
"Come on" Nate says pushing my shoulder lighting for encouragement. "Take a hit" he tried handing me a blunt but I denied.
"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Everyone chants.
I woke up feeling dizzy. I woke up in the hospital. What?.
"OH MY YOURE AWAKE" Nash says happily.
"What am I doing here???" So confused.
"You had an allergic reaction" he says.
"Hi I'm Dr Hernandez." A tall man greets me. "Mr. Grier please go wait outside please?" Nash nods.
"What happened to me?"
"Well yesterday around midnight a group of about 16 boys and about 3 girls came in demanding help for you. You had an allergic reaction. And I'm here to talk to you about it."
"What am I allergic to?" Still confused. This doctor is pissing me off.
"Marijuana" my eyes shot open
"WHAT?!??!" I start choking on my own spit.
"I know this is not a conversation you wanted to have but yes. You my dear, are allergic to marijuana. Yesterday you could have died. Its a serious case. You have to take care of yourself and now that you know, I hope you make the right choices. Right?" I nod rapidly. This is so embarrassing.
"When can I leave?" I wanna get out of here as soon as possible.
"Mr. Grier has filled out your paper work. You can leave whenever you'd like"
"Now please" he nods and walks away. A few minutes later Nash walks in.
"Hey" he scratches the back of his neck.
"Cut to the chase, does Cameron know" I say worried.
"No, and although I wanna tell him because it's fucking hilarious" he starts laughing uncontrollably.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. Let's just leave"
After getting back from the hospital to nashs house. And about hearing a million and one laughs and sorries, I was tired.
"Bye guys. And remember. Please. Don't. Tell. Cameron." I say and as soon as I said that and I turned around. There was Cameron, standing in front of me.
"Tell me what" he asks and he looks at me intensely. I couldn't speak only look down.
"Why were you in the hospital? They said I could go in and see you because you didn't want me in there. Is that true? Tell me what happened"  he tugged at his hair.
"After you left the boys tried convincing me to try their blunt. I only remember waking up and the doctor telling me that I'm allergic to marijuana" I say looking into his eyes.
"You're so stupid, you know how I feel about you smoking, and then you don't want me finding out. You could have gotten seriously hurt" he crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry" I hugged him from behind "please don't be mad at me"
"You know I can't. But this better not happen again. Not just the smoking part but hiding things"
"I promise" I said kissing his nose.
"Love you" he whispered as he pulled me in a hug.
"Love you too"

*sorry I've been busy with school* ~ps. Homecoming was HELLA lit~

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