hugs/ requested

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"Cameron I can't do this anymore"
"What do you mean"
"Fine. I never wanted you anyways"

4 weeks later.

"I miss him" I say to my kitty. We're both cuddled up watching tv and eating junk food.
I turned off the tv. It's 3 am and I keep trying to procrastinate my way out of sleeping because honestly I couldn't sleep.
"There someone here for you." My mom knocks on my door.
I'm in a pair of sweats, a hoodie and some sandals. My hair in a bun. I was a mess without him.
"Hey" cam said. I stood there in shock. I took a few seconds to analyze him. He looked like me.
"I-i-" I stuttered cam picked me up and took me to my room.
"I love you. I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love your face. I love how cute you are. I love how you sing. I love how you complete me. I love you. I love you. I love all of you. Please give me another chance. I need you back baby. I'm lost without you. I love you so much." Cam was crying on my chest.
"One condition"
"That is?" He lightened up.
"If you help me sleep. Ever since the split I haven't been able to sleep correctly. I'm a mess" I cried as cam hugged me.
"We'll fix each other baby." He said smiling. He gave me a cute passionate kiss. I genuinely missed his presence.
He took me to the bed and we played out. I fell asleep to his voice telling me how much he missed me and how he loves me. It's was beautiful. I finally got my true love back. Now life dosent suck as much.

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