When He left. Just Like Him.

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I fell in love with him. Didn't know his name. Didn't know who he was. But just by his actions and that beautiful smile I fell in love. We flirted. We kissed. We even ended up dating for 6 months. After the 2nd month I knew what he was. I knew he would leave. I knew he would get over this high school relationship and pursuit his dream. A soon to be Navy Seal. He left. He played with my emotions and left. He took my heart basically. Its hard to see him post pictures with his newfound love. I hurts. I just don't understand. In my school he was the only senior who hadn't kissed a girl. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. He was so persevered. Every girl wanted him. But for some reason he choose me. I still remember when we first kissed. I was glad I was his first and him mine. I gave him my all. I've never actually had a stable relationship. I guess we were just kids in love. The way he would hold me when I was sad. The way his blue eyes would sing to me. When he would look sexy without even trying. The way his smartness was more attractive than his looks. The way he was passionate about what he believed in. The way he saw himself in the future and did nothing but stike for it. The way his motivation moved him. He would spend most of his time after school in the gym doing cross fit in order to prepared for navy training. The way he was so sweet. He did nothing but make me happy which sooner or later end up being harder to face. He would make me melt just with a look. He would always laugh at my jokes. He never judge me for being a fangirling. He defended me from everything. The way everyone in school wanted that smart, kind, innocent, awkward, funny, charming, and all around great guy. Buy he was mine. My world revolved him. The last day I would ever see him. He kissed me with love. He said he would come back for me. That it wasn't goodbye. I knew it was a lie. I was crying like I had no tomorrow. He would call me and just tell me he loves me. But a week ago he started with someone new and I just can't help but sit hear empty. I remember me crying and pleading him to stay. I was stupid. I was like a little junior high girl struck in love. But I now know that I'm stronger. I'm complete. My mind is in the right place. Where just like him, my future will bring the best in me. Not only motivate me but to help me recover. So I can strive. Succeed. Live. Love. Learn. Have fun. Just like him. I'm. Moving on.

Sorry this isn't an imagine. I just needed to let that out. Yes I did write it myself. If you read this vote so I can follow you. Thank you for actually reading this if you did. Just getting over a boy. And this is the only way I could heal but in a healthy way. One again I'll try to finish the missing imagines I haven't published. :) sorry I haven't really had time. Anyways.
Vote. Vote. Vote on your favorite imagine of mine. And you even comment that would be more helpful. Just let me know what you guys wanna read more of.
Byeeeeeeee ✌


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