#imagine 23

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I've been feeling funny. So I called my mom to take me to the doctor. Turns out i have Narcolepsy. Which is a chronic sleep disorder that causes overwhelming daytime drowsiness. I have to take medicine. But what really gets me is I feel extremely tired. Even if I sleep all day and all night the next day I will be exhausted. Also those stupid hallucinations I get. The other day the guys were here to have a cook out. I've been distant but I can't help it. How do I tell them my condition? Most the time I have to make up excuses to go to sleep. I stay quiet just in case it accidentally slips.
"I have to finish a project, uhm I'll catch up with you guys later" I stand
"Are you sure? You okay?" Aaron says
"Yeah just need to finish homework and projects. And I'm always okay" I smile and leave. I start getting dizzy. I jog to my bed just in case I fall here. As soon as I get to my bed I press the face time button. I'm calling my mom.
"Hey babe what's wrong"
"Mami I don't feel good"
"Are you feeling dizzy? Want me to pick you up?"
"Cam and the boys are here. I haven't told them. And I don't want to have to explain"

Cams POV:

Were all listening to her conversation with her mom. Wonder what she telling? I hope it's not bad.
"Lets go" I tell the boys.


"Your going to have to tell them sooner or later mija" my mom says
"I know. I will soon. It's just hard. I'll talk to you if it gets worse. I gotta finish some things. I love you mami. Bye"
"Bye mija I love you"


Three weeks later.

I haven't told them still.
"Hey babe can you come here?" Cam says. As I entered the living room I could feel that to was probably going to be the day I tell them.
"Uh yeah." I say and sit on the farthest side of the couch. Enough space between me and all they boys.
"We wanted to talk to you" gilinsky said
"About what?" You try saying calmly.
"What's going on? We got a call from a therapist. He was looking for you. Is there something you want to tell us?"
To be continued.
Stayed home from school for 3 reasons
1) I'm sad cus I couldn't meet Taylor today
2) I'm sick
3) cute boy at school but I'm nervous (I always get involved with seniors. It always turns out bad ugh)

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now