imagine #21

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I'm a dancer. Dancing is my life and passion. I'm so excited to be performing for my fans. This is my first time going on tour. Luckily I have my boyfriend cam.
"Hey babe are you excited" cam says
"Yeah just nervous" I start pacing back and fourth.
"You'll do great. Just remember you might be dancing with everyone when they preform but your my baby girl" he winks and walked away. Okay. That was cute :)
"You're up with skate first, then Sammy, I'll tell you the rest as it goes. Now breathe. You'll do great. Go out there and dance that booty off" the stage manager Steve says.
"Hey beautiful. Just follow my lead."
"Sorry Skate but I'm the professional dancer here. And obviously the better one. So you'll be following my lead." I sass back. I can see Cameron from the corner of my eye. He looks pissed. Idc. I can't deal with his jealousy rn. Skate isn't even doing anything. His fans don't even know about us so it doesn't matter. I'm going to make him mad on purpose. Skate is performing "Ride with me" as a solo cus he said Johnson was performing with Jack so he wanted to give him his solo time. Here goes nothing. The music starts... Cameron isn't going to like this. During the chorus Skate was getting into it. My part was supposed to make it look like I was grinding on him. I made sure I was far enough from him so don't touch him. But he pulled me in and started grinding. Like I said before dancing is my passion and I'm not messing this up. No matter what takes me to get to where I wanna be. I'll grind on fucking Skate if I had to. When the song was over he let go and carried me off stage.
"That was hot. Great job. I hope you get that scholarship" skate gave me and a kiss in the head. I just nodded a thank you. He knew cam was mad. Whatever.
"Shit that was hot as hell. My turn." Sammy said as he pulled me on stage. He's performing "Could you be the one?" It was a cute little slow song type of moment. Like that ed video. Sammy was cute. He reminds me of my little brother. Awe I miss my family :(
Okay so now that the show is over everyone is at the hotel lobby. Their waiting for me because i take forever. I straightened my hair and put a cute cam floowy tee and some shorts with a pair of cowgirl boots. I was happy. I walked into cams room.
"Shit. Hey. Wow. You look cute. I mean beautiful. I mean. Fuck. You look sexy."
"Oh so now I look sexy. What happened earlier?"
"Uhm. Nothing. It's whatever" he clenched his jaw.
"Look Cameron it's going to keep on bothered you until you tell me."
"It makes me mad when someone touches my girl. Skate was having fun with it knowing I was pissed. Or Sammy how he looked like he was kissing your neck when you guys were dancing. But still. Your mine and only mine." This little cute shit.
"Aw cam. You know I love you. But just remember. Whenever you're jealous.." I walk up to his ear. "No one can make me feel like you."
"P-pplease stop. You sent shivers down my spine"
"Can we go now???!" I yell as my tummy growls.
"With two conditions" ???????????????? Wtf cam.
"And they are??"
"Keep those shorts on. I get to show you off. I get to kiss you whenever I want tonight with no complains from you. I get to fuck you if I'm in the mood. I get to show all my friends that you mine and that I'm yours. And we finally get to tell the fans today."
"Omg lvodudyakKgpph are you serious?/??!!!??"
"Of course baby" he gives me a cute peck and a sweet hug.
"You know how much i love hug. Goshhhhhh you make me weak" I say as I wrap my legs on his waist. Fuck I love the way he smells.
"Thanks babe you smell good too. Don't worry I love hugging you more. Pshhh I make you weak??. Please. Your honesty so beautiful I melt to your touch."
"Awe cam. That was cute lol. And yeah you make me weak. I can basically die in your arms right now. You make me beyond happy. It's still shocking I ever got you"
"Why? You make happy. Now let's go eat cus your tummy keep growling on me and it tickles" he giggled.
"Your such a weird goof"
"But I'm yours"

Thank you to everyone who reads this. I love you all.

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