imagine #30

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"Get out. Get out! You're a worthless piece of shit Paul! Get the fuck out!" I yell at him down the stairs until he leaves. I turned around and saw my only brother Cameron with all of his friends starring at me. I let a few tears out.
"What happened??? Are you okay???" Cam asked trying to hug me.
"I'm fine." I whipe them away and walk past them.
I get to my room cam following me.
"He wasn't worth it. Don't let him ruin you. I love you goodnight"
"Love you too cammy boo. Night"
"Don't call me that"
"Or what?" I test him.
"I'm older which means I can kick your ass"
"Okkkkayyyyyy. Whatever you say" I laugh.
"Bye" he says and I wave.

I woke up in the morning and I'm feeling like a total bad ass. I change into  the cutest outfit I own. I head downstairs. My brother still has his very attractive yet annoying friends over.
"I'll be back in 1 hour ish" I kiss his cheek and wave at the rest.
When I get inside the house cam looks stressed out. Okay.
"Where were you.? You left for 3 hours! You said 1! Gosh don't scare me like that!"
"Chill. I'm home now. But I'll be leaving at 6 lol. Your cute when you're mad cammy boo"
"Don't tell me to chill. Where are you going?? And I'm not cute. Shut up don't call me that"
"I will tell you whatever I want. I'm going out. Your cute. But I'm cuter little brother." I laugh at his brother instincts.
"I'm older than you"
"Okay cool. Ima go get ready. I have an hour and a half" I ran up the stairs before he could say anything.
I put on a black dress nude pumps and my mother's necklace. I did my make up and straightened my hair. I look hot.
"Cam I'm leaving"
"Okay" he was busy on his phone. I giggled cus all his friends were drooling and he didn't even notice. Johnson nudged him and he looked up.
"What fuck no. Not like that!!!!!"
"Hahaha you idot." I was laughing hard.
"No. Go change"
"No can do cammy boo. Girls night out. So I'm going to leave. Uhm... Idk when I'll be back. I love you" I walked out with my purse and a bottle of champagne in the other.
I'm going to enjoy tonight.
I didn't want my friends driving home drunk so I told them they can spend the night. We arrived. We were all laughing loud.
"Hahaha guys chill. Let me open the door" I laughed. We were all holding each other up.
"Shit" gilinsky said as he helped one of my friends out.
"Were all sleeping in my room."
"I'll help you" cam said.
Once me and my girls were all sleeping and tucked in my bed cam left the room.
"Guys thank you for everything"
I got a bunch of silent 'awe' 'welcome' and 'you too'
When I woke up in the morning. I did my usual routine. The girls had left. As I walk downstairs determined to eat a lot.
"Come here" cam says
"Why good morning princess" I laugh at cams face which is mixed with anger and confusion.
"We wanted to talk to you" said Nash.
"Cool" I say sitting down biting my apple.
"You need to get help your not okay. Don't refuse. You're trying to deal with this breakup with going to parties and all this shit. This isn't you." I was taken by surprise. He was right. Little fucker. He's not wining this one.
"Look I get that your worried but I didn't move out of our parents house for you to act like my mom. I'm an adult now. And if I want to go get drunk you sure as hell going to stop me. If you're going to act like this tell me now so I can leave" I say looking at him straight in the eyes.
"Look, I'm looking out for you. If you're going to be like that fine. Fine. Just don't call me when you need me because I'll probably tell you I told you so" I walked away to my room and slammed it as hard as I could.

Cameron Dallas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now