imagine #15

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Me and the guys are currently at my house. Their playing video games while I'm preparing lunch. I steeped out to the front porch for my puppy pebbles finish using the bathroom.
I read a text from my mom saying that my grandmother just died. I instantly stay crying. I try to regain myself. I'm balling my eyes out at this moment I love my grandma with all my life. She honestly was my world. I didn't even know she was sick. Nobody told me anything. I slowly try to open the door as my mother call
"Why didn't you tell what her condition was!???!??!!!" I yelled getting the attention from the boys.
"I don't want to worry you"
"Bullshit. You just couldn't get over the fact that she loved me more than anyone in the world. And that I love her more as a mother than you!" I spit out.
"I'm sor-"
"Don't you ever talk to me again!!! Ever!" I tell her hanging up.
"What's wrong" Cameron basically runs to me seeing I had fallen on the ground. I feel like shit. I wanted to be there for her. I want to die. She is my everything. Everything!
"Don't touch me" I scream as he tried getting me up. "I just need time. I just need time" I ran to the bathroom. All after me.
"Please don't do anything stupid. We love you and are here no matter what" Matt suddenly speaks.
"Why God? Take me? I love her! She my grandma. No! She's my mom! My best friend! The person I value the most. She's been there since I was born. She's was there when I had my first of this filthy world. Without her I'm lost. Why? Take me! She's gone. Gone. Oh my gosh." I rant to myself.
"Please come out" they all yell.
My breathing starts to slow and I'm having trouble catching my breath.
"Come out of were breaking the fucking door"
I open the door and run straight past them. Grab my keys I'm out the door
"You're not going anywhere. You're not in the right state of mind" Cameron wraps me up in a bear hug as someone took the keys out of my hand.
"Let. Me. Go!" I pulled out of the hug.
"I don't need anyone's pity. I don't want anyone to just kiss ass just because. I don't want any of this. I don't want to cry. I don't want to feel like shit. I don't like feeling this way. I don't." As I cry in front of them.
"Now move out of the way and hand me the car keys" I start weasing.
"You're not going out like this. We won't let you" Shawn said as he pockets the keys.
"I don't care what you think right now. Look at me. I'm a mess. I need fresh air. Plus you can't tell me what I can and can't do." I snap.
"No baby don't be like this. Just let us be here for you. Let me heal you." He hug me again.
"Yes baby?"
"You love me right?"
"Of course. More than anything."
"Then give me the car keys"
"No" he says softly
"Either you give me my car keys or you can leave my house because we're over and I will never want to see you again"...."you're choice"
He hands me the car keys and steps aside.
"I'll be back" I kiss his lips hard as if it's the last one.
"Don't do this"
"I'll be back I promise" walked off with all the boys pleading guilty stairs. But what I did was drive off ... In search for the one thing I wish I had right now holding me. My grandmother.

Here's an update. Sad. Made me cry while typing but still an update. Love love love y'all. Thank you! Imagine #14 isn't finished yet but soon.

Pic: my fav shirt. It's Taylor Cannnnniffffffff inspired. Lol. Comment what you though.

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