19 - An Accident

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It's been a couple of months since I promised to cure Ramilio's rumored "ugly lord" appearance.

During the summer vacation, Lucrezia went to the mountains as often as she could.

Of course, she had hurriedly bought all the equipment she needed for the mountains, so now she could hike without any problems.

In the meantime, I received from the agent the memoirs of the Medicine Woman that I had left with her.

Relying on the journal, I went to the mountains, collected medicinal herbs, dried and chopped them, soaked them in alcohol, extracted the boiled water, distilled them, and mixed them - time passed quickly as I went through the various processes.

--It's not a difficult operation, so I should be able to do it. But I can't afford to make any mistakes.

Lucrezia repeatedly tested the effects of the medicine on her own black body to make sure it was safe.

Then, on the day of the summer vacation.

"For the next month, the windows of Ramilio-sama's room will be covered with armored doors and a blackout curtain to prevent any sunlight from entering. Is that correct?"

"Is it really necessary to do that?"

"It will damage your eyes and will have to use a strong medicine. The light will be poisonous, so we will make sure that it will be dark when Master Ramilio changes the bandages."

Ramilio's room was heavily shielded from light and fell into total darkness.

Everything was ready.

Lucrezia carefully operated, relying on the candlelight.

Finally, she fixed it so that no light could enter, and wrapped a bandage around it.

"That's all for today. How are you feeling....?"


"If the pain is unbearable, please let me know. I will give you some painkillers."

"All right. That was easier than I thought."

"The hard part is yet to come. You'll be using a lot of strong drugs and you'll have to have someone take care of you when you eat."

Ramilio groaned.

"....Well, if you're blind, you can't even use a spoon...."

"I'll ask them to make it easier for you to eat and serve it to you. I'll stay by your side and help you."

Blindness can make people feel uneasy.

The anxiety he was feeling was something Lucrezia had experienced as a child and knew very well.

To reassure and encourage Ramilio, Lucrezia wrapped both of his hands tightly in her own.


"I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that from this day forward, you can count on me to be your hands and feet."

"No, I refuse!"

Lucrezia quickly took her hand away. She was so preoccupied with her treatment that she hadn't thought about the relationship between a man and a woman at all. She felt embarrassed afterward at how bold she had been.

"....I'm sorry, but you're right. I'm sure you'll agree that it's a good idea to have a male servant take care of any skin contact you may have...."

As she said this, Lucrezia thought, "What?"
"But... I want to remind you, Mr. Ramilio, that... I came here to become a wife. So there's nothing to be embarrassed about...."

"No, I can't, I can't, wife or not, embarrassment is an embarrassment!"

Lucrezia was somewhat choked up.

--Oh, you're so cute.

"And I haven't said I'm going to make you my fiancé yet."

--I don't know why you are so stubborn.

"I don't think that your idea of a marriage is a good one. Why are you so reluctant to take me as your wife?"

"You haven't finished your treatment, that's all. If you are trying to kill me for my inheritance by pretending to heal me, you will be helpless without the fact that we are married."

Ramilio's caution made a certain amount of sense, so Lucrezia decided to back down in the argument, her lips curving like a child's.

"In... I will ask for an apology from Master Ramilio in a month."

"Apologize for what?"

"For accusing you of wanting the inheritance. I'm sure you'll understand after your treatment that it wasn't like that."

"Yes, you're right. Oh, yes, I will bow down and apologize."

Lucrezia decided to wait and see.


Lucrezia decided to get Ramilio to devise a meal that she could easily eat with her hands.

The bread was then folded in half and the ears tightly closed together.

At first glance, the baked bread looked good enough to be eaten by hand.

"Yes, please, Ramilio."

"No, thanks, I'll just eat it myself... It's hot!"

"I'm sorry.... but I wish you would have explained to me first that this is how it works."

I realized that Ramilio would not be able to eat well if I did not explain the shape and ingredients to him by ear.

The next day, Lucrezia decided to give him a proper explanation of the food to avoid making the same mistake.

The next day, Lucrezia decided not to make the same mistake again and explained the food properly: "Dear Ramilio, today we have white bread rolls. To make it easier for you to eat, I've put some warmed sausage, shisha leaves, and herbs in between. There is a slit in the middle and a thick sausage in the valley of the bread, so open your big mouth and take a bite."

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to need a man to be my maid of honor."

Ramilio said, holding his head in his hands.


"No, there's nothing wrong with you, it's just that you're such a.... anyway, it's my fault. I'm a small-minded guy, so I get nervous when I think of a pretty girl like you around."

"Mistress, let me take your place."

I'll take your place, ma'am." Bosco offered, and Lucrezia was left to watch the exchange between the two with her fingers crossed.

--She was going to make sure she didn't make a mistake today.

"Yes, Master Ramilio, ahhh."

Bosco said, deliberately teasing him, and Ramilio ate the bread, shivering in humiliation.

"....you, remember that."

"That's our line, isn't it?"


"Why are you going down the path of self-destruction when you should just keep your mouth shut and let your lovely new wife ooh and aah?"

"And she's not my wife! Not yet! Don't talk nonsense!"

--You two must be very close.

I'm a wife, though!


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