35 - The Prosperity In The Territory

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On the first weekend after the news of her father's death, Lucrezia dressed in mourning clothes and was taken to the cathedral by Ramilio.

As they loaded the offering and were ushered into a special pew, a faint sigh could be heard from those who had come before them.

A secret gossip could be heard.

"It's Lord Pastore, from...."

"You're lying, the rumors are more like...."

"I'm sure of what I saw...."

Lucrezia was amused and whispered to Ramilio.

"Everyone is surprised."

"Silence in the cathedral."

"Yes. But since you're here, why don't you do something for them?"

"What do I do?"

"Why don't you wave to them so they'll be happy to see you?"
--I'm sure my husband is the coolest.

I wonder if he understands the position he's in as he glances at me. You can't see it from his manly face and silent expression.

He kissed the back of her hand through his glove.
"Sir.... was that...?"

"I don't know. You told me to do some trick. I just obeyed. I'm a loyal dog."

--She seemed to be gaining confidence.


Lucrezia solemnly wrote her diary as she mourned for her father.

Since it was to be read by future generations, Lucrezia's motto was to include current events as much as possible and to have fun.

While I was diligently writing on the terrace, I was suddenly shadowed by someone.

"What are you writing about?"

Lucrezia didn't need to look up to know it was Ramilio, so she answered without stopping.

"It's about the life of Master Ramilio!"

"Yeah, ....me?"

"I'll be sure to write down all the details about how wonderful Ramilio-sama was and how much the people loved him! Then ....in a hundred years, the nickname "Lord Ugly" will disappear somewhere!"

Ramilio's expression suddenly relaxed.

"It's been a long time since I've heard that nickname."

"I want to catch him and make him pay for his crimes!"

As I was writing and expounding, Ramilio suddenly hugged me.

"You're really...."

She was a little troubled by the fact that Ramilio had been trying to touch her a lot lately.

The first time I wore mourning clothes, he kissed me again and again.

"I don't know if it's inappropriate, but he's just too cute."

-- "I can't be mad at you when you talk to me like that."

Since then, Ramilio has been kissing me all the time.

She was preparing herself to be kissed again when Anne, a servant, called out to her.

"Madam, the guest you invited is here."

"Already? You're early."

I glanced at Ramilio as I quickly left.

I'm sure Lucrezia is turning red as well.

The guests had arrived in a large carriage with their entire family.

The Cassia family is the head of one of the four provinces of the Duchy of Pastore, and in the kingdom, they are the so-called nobility.

When Ramilio took over, there was an epidemic in the area, and the family had lost touch with each other.

In recent years, Lucrezia has been deepening her relationships with various influential families in order to govern the Duchy of Pastore.

"I haven't seen you since the celebration of your recovery, how do you do?"

Mrs. Cassia greeted me, and I told her that Lucrezia was happy to see her.

"I'm Margherita! It's an honor to have you here, Miss Lucrezia!"

The young girl who came downstairs was probably the eldest daughter of the family. She took Lucrezia's hand as if she was touched, and looked a little awkwardly at Ramilio beside her.

--What's going on? I don't know what's going on here.

Ramilio is also a little awkward.

I'm not sure if she saw the confusion on Lucrezia's face, but Lady Cassia smiled.

"This girl was the third fiancée of Master Ramilio."

"Oh, my God...."

--I've heard that there are six of them, but I'm surprised to see them in person.

"When we were celebrating her recovery, she screamed, "I never heard he had such a good face!"

"Mother, stop, it's so embarrassing...."

Margherita's face turned red and she covered it with her hand.

And then, ha! And then she shook her head.

"It's not that I have any objections to it. It's just that I'm really happy to have a couple as close as you two!"

"I'm not your daughter, but please do."

Mrs. Cassia chuckled.

I moved to the terrace and served the tea cakes I had prepared for the occasion.

Mrs. Cassia was very pleased and thanked Lucrezia in so many words.

"You have a very good wife, my Lord Pastore."

Ramilio's face was full of pride.

He was so proud of her that Lucrezia, who was watching him, felt embarrassed.

"I thought I was going to die when Miss Margherita rejected me."

"Hey, sir, we weren't really on the same page, were we?"

"After all, she even said I was not a person."

"Oh, he's got a grudge!"

"But I survived in the end because Lucrezia came to me."

Lucrezia was watching the exchange in amazement, but then a question occurred to her.

"I've heard that you've been out of touch with...."

Lady Cassia smiled.

"We are grateful that Lucrezia will be taking over the court events from now on."

"I've always wanted to attend a ball in a castle. The other day's party to celebrate my recovery was fun, too!"

Margherita is innocently happy.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

It seems that nothing is really going on between the two of them at this point.

--But I wonder if Ramilio is dragging his feet a bit?

I don't know why I'm so bothered.


My Sister Took My Fiance And I Was Married To An Ugly PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now