26 - Rapid Development

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After sending Falco away, Ramilio groaned when he received the letter.

"...Now it's Lucrezia's father."

The wax seal with the coat of arms is familiar to me. The letter was definitely from him.

And there was some nonsense written inside.

"Circumstances have changed and I will no longer be marrying off Lucrezia."

"I will soon travel to your lands to retrieve my daughter."

--I'm not sure what to make of this.

In the beginning, Ramilio also sympathized with her situation and wanted to let her go home to recuperate.

However, the more he heard her talk about her father, the more he imagined that he was not a good parent.

Ramilio suspected that there must have been some reason for his sudden decision to quit. For example, maybe she needed money and had promised to give her daughter to another man. Or maybe he was trying to blackmail Ramilio.

"Can I send him back to ....and tell him to stop screwing around?"

"I think it would be best if you didn't."

"Why? I told you once that I would give you my daughter. I even have the letter as proof. I'll do it, court or not."

"According to Illuminati law, children of nobles under the age of thirty cannot marry without their parents' consent. If there is no fact of a marriage, even if you dispute it, it will only be nullified."

Even though he was admonished, he couldn't agree.

Ramilio was pissed off.
"I understand. All you need is the fact of a marriage, right?"

Bosco perked up.

"That's true, but what do you ....intend to do?"

"I'm going to get married quickly before her parents arrive. You can make your vows in front of the priest and have a light reception, can't you? It won't take long."

Bosco paled and shook his head.

"No, you can't! Think about how particular a woman is about her wedding reception! It's not something that can be done easily!"

"You can always throw a fancy party later."

Bosco's eyes narrowed slyly as if he was taking no action.

"I don't know ....if I'm going to be rejected."

Ramilio was at a loss for words. There was indeed a part of him that felt a little sorry for her.

"You don't have to be rejected. You just have to convince her. And explain to her that her father is going to come barging in...."

Having said all that, Ramilio fell silent again.

--If you do that, she's going to slink off, isn't she?

He was sweating profusely.

If her father told her, 'The marriage is canceled, come back home,' a person who has received a decent education as a lady would first do as he says. That is how absolute the father's opinion is. This is because the Divina religion teaches that a daughter should be under the protection of her father.

No matter how much Ramilio says, "I think your father is a terrible person," he is not sure if she will understand. It is hard for human beings to change their minds when they have been strongly imprinted with such a belief.

She has been a quiet girl, even though she was ordered to marry an ugly lord, so she might say, 

"I would be happy to help my father," and use herself as a loan.

My Sister Took My Fiance And I Was Married To An Ugly PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now