33 - The End Of My Father

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That day, after everyone had gone to bed, Ramilio carefully wrote several secret letters that no one would ever find out about.

They were addressed to the King of the Illuminati, King Rai, and the headquarters of the bank.

Duke Antonio was after his daughter's assets and had made off with the deeds from the safe deposit box. He wrote that he had been hard on Lucrezia for many years and that she had grown tired of him.

He added that he would pay a reasonable reward if he could help Lucrezia get her jewelry set back.
Getting the jewels back was not the subject of the letter.

The purpose of the letter was to show that Duke Antonio was not worthy of being held as a hostage.

No matter how noble the nobleman is, the consequences of not being able to pay the ransom are tragic.

Ramilio sent out secret letters here and there, hoping that this would be enough to get rid of the trouble.


"The whereabouts of Duke Antonio are unknown."

Ramilio had him search in the city and elsewhere for a while, but then he called it off.

In the meantime, news came through that the Rai army had entered the Illuminati capital and taken over the city.

"I wonder if your father is safe...."

"Even if he is, he's not coming back. He's got enough money to play with for the rest of his life."

My father is not the kind of man who comes to see Rosa or Lucrezia because he misses them.

She knew that, too.

"You didn't agree to marry me after all, did you?"

"You don't have to, do you? I'm in love with you."

Lucrezia replied with a big smile, "Yes."


"Soon.... soon I will be a millionaire."

Prince Antonio was able to fend off Ramilio's pursuers and return to the borders of his homeland, the Illuminati.

Once he reached this point, the rest was like a garden.

The war between the Illuminati and Rai is getting worse by the day, and there are rumours that the national army is closing in on the royal capital. It was fortunate that we were able to cross the border in time.

--Once we get the jewels, we can live abroad until the war with Lai is over.

Two days later, he arrived at the capital safely, thinking carefree thoughts.

The moment he slipped through the checkpoints and took the back route, he noticed the strange atmosphere of the city.

There was no sign of people on the streets. Instead, there were soldiers on horses and camels strolling the streets with their faces.

Most of the stores were closed, but there were still soldiers here and there in the restaurants, drinking from noon.

The Duke hadn't made it in time.

The royal capital was completely occupied by the Lai army.

--It was a bad situation.

If they got suspicious and questioned his identity, he would be in trouble. If they found out that I was a nobleman, they would certainly not let me go.

Nervously, I headed for the bank.

The bank seemed to be open for business as usual.

--Does it look okay?

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