23 - Celebration Of Recovery

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Today was the day of the party.

We had invited all the noblemen associated with the Duke of Pastore to the house, so the porch was crowded with carriages.

".... managed to get the party started."

Lucrezia had been running around all morning preparing for the guests. 

"Everything is in order."

The butler congratulated Lucrezia.

After all the preparations had been made, all that was left was to wait for the guests to arrive in earnest.

Lucrezia was standing in the doorway waiting for Ramilio to arrive.

She was still reluctant to expose her true face. He should be able to come out in a little while.

That's what Bosco, his aide, had said.

Lucrezia couldn't help but check her face in the large mirror at the entrance.

Today, Lucrezia was not wearing a veil. She was wearing the gorgeous dress that Ramilio had given her, with her silver hair pulled down in a trendy, natural way.

--Yes, I know. It took a bit of courage for me to appear in front of the guests without a veil.

Even Lucrezia, who had no blemishes on her face, was a little nervous about it.

"I'm fine, I know how the party is going to be set up, I can handle myself here. Tell him to take his time."

"Merciful ....how pathetic my Lord is in comparison."

"The Master is doing his best. Don't talk to him like that."

--I know you are fighting, so I have to do my best, too.

Lucrezia's eyes are usually said to be lacking in energy, but today she put on a little more energy and tried to put on a cheerful expression so that her eyes would shine.

Lucrezia greeted each of the guests as they arrived.

"This is my fiancée, Lucrezia."

Although she had learned about the major noble families from the memoirs in the mansion, there were many families she had never heard of until she was introduced to them.

As the wave of arriving guests settled down, someone stood close to Lucrezia as she sat down on a stool to catch her breath.

"....Hello, good evening."

Lucrezia was forced to look up at him with a pout.

--There was an unbelievably beautiful man there. It was as if a man had slipped out of a fresco nearby and was talking to her.

He had a strong-willed look in his eyes and a slender, masculine physique. His intelligent black hair flowed smoothly in the wind, and his amber eyes were graceful.

"Well, you look wonderful, sir!"

Lucrezia raised her voice in exultation.

"I'm not used to this."

"What do you mean, you look lovely in your dress!"

The long hemmed jacket with gold braid resembles the uniform of the guards.
Lucrezia smiled at him, almost humming.

She begged for an escort and thrust out her hand, "Hmm!" She held out her hand.

Ramilio, who was a bit surprised, lent his arm to Lucrezia and they snuggled up together. 

Ramilio is perplexed by the fact that she came closer to him than usual, but it's none of Lucrezia's business.

They were going to show everyone that they were close fiancées.

"Your husband's entrance, play the march."

"Oh, hey." 

"Mmmm, this is fun! I'm sure today will be remembered for generations to come! Maybe I should start a diary and keep it in my archives?"

"....don't talk bad about me."

"Oh, no! There's nothing wrong with you, sir!"

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

--Now that I have the Master's approval, I'll have to buy a nice diary later.

A brave soldier's march began with a bugle solo.

As the powerful music rang out, Ramilio appeared in the hall, accompanied by Lucrezia.

Everyone gasped.

The noblewomen in their various glittering dresses all turned their attention to Ramilio.

Even the gentlemen with their magnificent beards let out an uncontrollable groan.

That's probably true, Lucrezia thought.

"No way."

"He's not the same person."

"Are you sure it's him?"

The whispers of the noblewoman who happened to be nearby reached Lucrezia's ears.

"Come on, sir. Greetings, ladies and gentlemen."

When Ramilio showed signs of speaking, the orchestra took care to muffle the sound.

"I'm Ramilio Pastore, I've been suffering from eye problems for a long time, but now I've recovered under the devoted care of my wife. I hope you have a good time today."

Those who have been in regular contact with Ramilio say in disbelief, "It's real."

Soon, the first dances began to sound.

--Oh? That's the wrong song.

The first song was supposed to be a group dance called "Bran" but an unscheduled song was starting.

The waiting people were buzzing and seemed to be confused as to whether they should start dancing or not.

As I looked at the orchestra, the steward, who was giving some instructions to the conductor, gave me a look and I knew what he meant.

--You want us to dance together first, don't you?

"Sir, can you dance?"

"Oh, ....maybe."

Lucrezia was delighted and quickly faced him.

After the first few steps, the crowd was already cheering.

--Sir, you're such a good dancer!

By the time she and Ramilio had circled the venue, there was a storm of applause and whistling.

Eventually, the scheduled first song was announced to begin, and they began to move about.

As Lucrezia and the others finished the prescribed dance and took a short break, they were surrounded by people.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ramilio!"

"Please dance with my daughter."

"No, but..."

Ramilio was reluctant with an awkward smile.

Lucrezia was frustrated.

"The host must dance with you."

"No, I'm...."

"What right does the Mistress have to ask for a dance?"

The people around her looked at her and said, "Oh!"

Lucrezia was involuntarily taken aback.

"I've just gotten engaged to my girlfriend! I'm at the most nervous time in the world, please leave me alone!"

Lucrezia touched her cheek. The silk of her glove felt cool and comfortable. The silk of her gloves felt cool and comfortable, and her ears must have turned red.


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