The Princess, The Elf, The Demon, and The Wanderer Part 1

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        In a small town, he sat with his foot propped on a table with his hood over his head in a bar full of drunk and rowdy men. Different voices were speaking about many other things. Women, fights, drunken babbling, and Kings and Queens. Then, it all went silent when the door opened, shining light into the dimly lit bar. It was a man with lightly tanned skin, wearing a navy blue robe and a Navy blue hat. The man's eyes scanned the bar until he saw him sitting in the back. With both his hands behind his back, he walked to the back of the bar to the man sitting at the table.

"Do you need something?" asked The man, sitting in a corner in the darkness.

"I heard that you were in town," said Odval as he sat down. "Koga The Wanderer."

Koga lifts his hood to get a good look at Odval. He examined his appearance. "And who the hell are you?" He asked coldly. 

"My name is Odval. I am the adviser of King Zog of Dreamland. I am here on his behalf to request your services," said Odval. 

Koga scoffed and let his hood fall over his eyes. "And what the hell does royalty need help with? They can't get off their fat asses and come speak themselves..." 

Odval clears his throat and ignores Koga's remarks. However, deep down, he agreed with him. "Well...anyway, moving on. We are willing to pay you handsomely."

Koga looked at Odval from under his hood once more. "Is that right? And what do you want me to do?"

"Our princess, the daughter of King Zog, has run away from the kingdom-"

"I'll stop you right there," said Koga, holding his hand. "You have a runaway princess problem? And you want me to go fetch her for you?"

"Yes... that sums up our issue. Princess Tiabeanie was set to be married to the prince of our neighboring kingdom, bentwood. But-"

Koga laughs. "I never would've thought that royalty can't keep an eye on their princesses..." He said, removing his feet from the table and sitting up straight. Odval could look at Koga's face more clearly. His skin was a dark shade of tan, and his eyes were bright green. Some of his hair was coming out from the hood. The color of it was pitch black, and his hair was lengthy. "A Runaway Princess would make a good play," Koga said jokingly.

"Umm, yes, I'm sure it would..." Odval replied. "Do you accept?" 

Koga rubbed his chin as he stared at Odval. "How much?"

"A thousand," Odval replied quickly.

Koga grinned, and he got up from the table and reached behind him, grabbing an enormous greatsword and placing it around his back. Then, he grabbed his short sword and hooked it around his waist.

"Which way did she go?" asked Koga

"North," replied Odval. "Here's a drawing of Princess Tiabeanie..." He slides him the poorly drawn picture of Bean. Her body was short, her head was large, and her two front teeth were overly lengthy.

Koga stared at the picture. He then stared at Odval and raised a brow.

Odval gulps, "Our king recently had our artist executed..."

"Right..." Koga takes the drawing and stuffs it in his pocket. "I'll have her back in two days," he states as he heads for the bar's exit. 

"All of this had better been worth it..." Odval whispered


         Princess Tiabeanie replayed the events of her wedding in her head. She, staring at Prince Guysbert's stupid face, slapped the ring away from his hand, him stumbling to catch the wedding ring only for him to kneel over and have his head go through one of the swords on the throne. At that moment, she thought the wedding was off. But her tyrant of a father, King Zog, decides to marry her off to Guysbert's brother Merkimer. That's when she knew she had to leave. She ran from the wedding hall, grabbed whatever she could, and ran away. And she was.

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