Dreamland Babysitter

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Koga took a deep breath as he paced back and forth in his room.

"I know it's been rough for you these past few days. I've been pushing you to your limits and being very strict. When we train, I don't hold back. But I do that because I know you can be better. You're one of the strongest I've ever known, and your potential is limitless," Koga smiles. With you by my side, I know victory will always be in our sight!"

The herculean beetle flapped its wings. Koga walks over and extends his arm, allowing the beetle to crawl onto the palm of Koga's hand. Koga gently pets the beetle's back as he exits his room. "You know what I think you need? You need a training buddy! Later in the week, we'll find you a friend!" said Koga. The beetle flapped its wings excitedly. "I just realized something. I never gave you a name. I need to think of one..."

"Oh! Oooh! My back!"

Koga stops walking and stares down the hall. Bunty was bent over slightly with her hand on her lower back. On the ground was a brown basket of freshly washed clothes. A few of them fell out of the basket. "Oooh, not again...." She groaned. "And I just cleaned all of these clothes..."

"You don't sound too well, bunty," Koga said, walking over to the bunty with his pet beetle on his right shoulder. "Here, let me get that,"

"N-No Koga, it's fine!" said Bunty. "I don't mean to be in your way-OW!" She cried as she hunched over.

Koga places the clothes back into the basket and then picks it up. "That did not sound good," He said. "You need to lay down and rest your back."

"Lie down?" said Bunty, perplexed. "Oh heavens, I'm not allowed to lie or sit down when I'm in the castle."

"Don't you get breaks?"

"What are those?"

"What--you don't know what breaks are?" asked Koga.

"I don't know much of anything, really," Bunty replied.

Koga stared at her for a moment. "Oook...where are these clothes going? I'll help you with some of the work."

"Koga, no dear, I can't have a noble knight of Dreamland to do a castle maids job," said Bunty nervously.

"Well, lucky for you, bunty, I don't consider myself a knight. So where are these clothes going?"

"Those are all of King Zog's clothes," said Bunty.

Koga took out Zog's white pajamas. "Zog's, huh? No wonder these clothes are all plus-size, ' he said, dropping the pajamas back into the basket. You have a seat, bunty, and I'll drop these off in Zog's room, OK?"

Bunty twiddled her thumbs. "Oh, I don't know, Koga..."

"It'll be fine!" said Koga as he walked down the stone hall. He then walked back to Bunty. "Where's Zog's room again?"

And so, Bunty showed the way to Zog's room. While on the way, Koga would ask her, "So, how long have you been working for this castle anyway?" Bunty would let out a deep sigh. "I've been here in this castle for seventeen years! I've watched both Beanie and Tavish grow up! I was even there for Prince Derek's birth!"

"Well damn, that's a long time," said Koga. "Have you ever thought about taking a vacation?"

"A vacation?" said Bunty, looking at Koga confused. "I don't believe I know what that is."

"You don't know what a vacation is? It's when you take some time off from work, enjoy spending time with your family, and relax."

Bunty gasped. "Oh my...that-that sounds like a fantasy. It's something I've always dreamed of!" She clasped her hands together and smiled as she fantasized about it.

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