The Princess, The Elf, The Demon and The Wanderer Part 4

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     There was screaming, yelling, and the sounds of swords clanging together. Koga opens the door slightly. He was breathing heavily as he watched groups of people board the boat he was on. Koga saw right before him as someone slashed in the chest. Blood splattered on the wooden surface. The person who slashed the individual laid his wild demon-like eyes on Koga and walked towards him, raising his sword in the air. Koga snapped his eyes open, and the first thing he saw back was one of the Orders of the sword goons ready to stab Koga in the chest. Koga catches the blade between his hands, snaps it into pieces, and then kicks the goon off the bed, sending him crashing into the wooden wardrobe. The other goon rushed to Koga with his sword raised into the air. Koga rolled across the bed and out of the way, dodging just in time as the order assailant slashed his sword downward. The Goon runs across the bed, chasing Koga. He swung his sword at him, but Koga was too quick, and he dodged each incoming swing. The Goon thrusts his sword forward, and Koga moves out of the way, causing the Goon to stab his sword into the wall.

"How unfortunate," said Koga, punching the Goon in the face and knocking him back. Koga yanks the sword out of the wall, swings, and slices the Goon's head off. Blood spurting out of the decapitated body.

"NO, YOU KILLED MIKE!" The other Goon cried. Koga would then chuck the sword at the Goon, which pierced his heart. The Goon gasped, and he fell back.

"Goddamn Order of the Sword," said Koga staring at them. His eyes then widened. "OH, NO! BEAN!" Koga rushed out of his room and headed into the trio's room. The room was, of course, empty. This made Koga worried for a moment, but he then noticed that there wasn't any sign of a struggle. Then it dawned on him. He heads back into his room and sees that Bean's sword, which he took from her, is gone, along with other items. "You gotta be kidding me..." He groaned, rubbing his head.

Barbara came walking down the hallway after hearing the noise while gripping a small Ax. Once Barbara arrived outside of Koga's room, she gasped. "Oh my goodness!" 

Koga turned around. "I'm sorry about the mess," he said, rubbing his long black hair.

"Koga dear, are you ok?" Barbara asked, setting down the axe and checking on him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," said Koga as Barbara checked his face for bruises.

Once she saw that Koga was ok, she looked down at the bodies. "Who on earth are these people?" She asked as she lifted her foot to see she was stepping in a pool of blood. Koga would explain the events that transpired before arriving in Southwold. He did not mention the job he was hired to do, which involved bringing Bean back to Dreamland.

Barbara just shook her head. "I knew you'd run into some sort of trouble like this, Koga," She said in an I told you so sort of tone.

"Hey, who wouldn't want to piss off a bunch of corrupt jackasses while having the skills to back it up," Koga said as he dressed in his traveling attire.

Barbara sighed. "Well, I'll go ahead and clean this mess up. Seriously, Koga, did you have to go and lop off the bloke's head? Look at all of this blood!" She asked as she picked up the body and threw it over her shoulder.

"It was a force of habit," said Koga, grabbing his shortsword and greatsword. "I'll be back, Barbara,"

"Please be safe, Koga,"

"Always am,"

With that, Koga left the bar and Inn and stepped outside. He noticed that the horse was gone.



   The trio rode on the horse down the dirt trail. Bean had no idea where she, Elfo, and Luci would go. All that mattered was that she had more reliable transportation than just walking for miles and miles. They had food and a weapon just in case they were to run into trouble. Bean, however, was going to miss Southwold. Those first impressions were pleasant for her. But for now, she had to keep moving.

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